004. gonna be so fun tonight

Start from the beginning

"should i invite sebby to dinner?" liberty looked over at her best friend who she had spilled how the previous night with him had gone to only less than an hour before. "he'll probably think i'm not into him if i don't, right?"

"invite him," he agreed. "or if you don't want to, you can always say the girls planned it and they of course don't have his number. which is kinda true so.. you decide."

"ugh daniel," she groaned. "you're no help."

"let's get there first then you can decide-"

"is he there already?" liberty interrupted him, playfully narrowing her eyes at him. "why are you making me wait to message?"

"not that i know of," he held his hands up in defence. "just giving you more time to think about it.. you know, seems you're questioning it already now."

"i just don't want to admit to him why i had left.. it's embarrassing.."

"it's not embarrassing. you couldn't sleep and you knew you had things to do today, so you left.. he doesn't deserve you if he's going to act like a dick about it."

"okay.." she agreed.

soon arriving at the bar, liberty sent a text to sebastian since she had already decided to avoid having him feel like he was being left out. following daniel inside, they wandered around the downstairs restaurant and her quickly getting confused when she couldn't see any of her friends.

"they must be upstairs still.." she softly mumbled, reaching out and slightly grabbing ahold of his hand while leading him in said direction.

"happy birthday!" all her friends cheered as they entered into the bar.

letting out a small gasp in shock, covering her mouth as her other hand fell out of daniel and she crouched down to the floor, it instantly clicking in her mind on why her friends had made her home go home early.

"surprise," kassiana slightly chuckled.

"oh my god," liberty said with a smile across her face. "i can't believe you girls."

"we couldn't let you plan your birthday yourself," samantha added.

"thank you," she smiled as she stood back up again, engulfing into a group hung with the three girls. "i love yous."

weaving her way around the somewhat big group and greeting all her other friends that made an effort to show up early — most of which she hadn't seen in awhile. and then doing shots with a few of them to start the night off strong as the music filled the space.

"libby," daniel gained her attention as she made her way back over towards him. "food.." he pointed at the bowl of fries that had just been placed on the table he was stood at with a couple of their friends, only a couple minutes prior. "come eat some before you drink too much."

"oo chippies," she skipped over in excitement, not even hesitating to eat some. "thank you."

"do you want anything else, a proper meal?"

"not right now," she shook her head, staying with them as she continued to pick at them.

"wipe the sauce off your lip," he spoke a little quieter while doing the action himself. "and look behind you."

reluctantly doing as he said while looking over her shoulder, a wider smile instantly appearing on her face. she looked back at daniel, mouthing thank you before wiping her hands on a napkin and then turning her full attention to the other boy.

"sebby," she reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"hey," he replied, kissing her lips. "what happened to 'come early for dinner'?"

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