"I knew it... You truly are a demon," the man uttered, his voice trembling with a mixture of awe and horror.

Before he could strike, however, the knife shattered in his hand, leaving him momentarily stunned. Evangeline seized the opportunity, delivering a powerful blow to his stomach. He doubled over, spitting out a mouthful of blood, while the impact also caused the car they were in to crumble under the force of her punch.

Struggling to regain his footing, the man launched himself at Evangeline once more, but she swiftly retaliated, landing another fierce blow to his stomach. He fell back, clutching his abdomen in agony.

"How... How can you be so strong? I was told you were defenseless, incapable of using magic," he gasped, his disbelief evident in his voice.

Evangeline's gaze hardened, determination shining through her eyes. "I may have wanted to believe it, but I am no longer defenseless. I am not what they thought."

The man concentrated magic into his hands, conjuring a swirling ball of wind. He sneered, "Take this!" and hurled it towards her.

However, Evangeline effortlessly deflected the windball with a simple gesture of her hand, closing the distance between them in an instant. She prepared to deliver the final blow, but just before her fist landed, her hand was caught by someone—Misaki.

"It's alright, Evangeline. You can calm down now. Everything is going to be fine," Misaki's gentle voice reassured her, her hand softly patting Evangeline's head, a warm smile gracing her lips.

Evangeline found solace in her mother's presence, her tension easing. Fatigue soon overcame her, and her energy depleted rapidly. Her body gave way, and she began to faint, but before she could hit the ground, Azumi caught her, preventing her from harm.

Misaki's gaze hardened as she turned to the injured man. "How dare you kidnap our daughter? Do you truly believe you can escape unscathed?" she seethed with anger.

Approaching the man, Misaki delivered a swift flick that rendered him unconscious. "Now, how is Evangeline?" she asked, concern etched across her face, shifting her attention to Azumi.

Azumi cradled Evangeline gently, examining her closely. "She's physically unharmed, just exhausted. But I must ask, are you alright?" Azumi inquired, worry evident in her voice.

Misaki winced, rubbing her injured arm. "She broke my arm with that punch. I didn't expect her to possess such strength."

Azumi's eyes widened in astonishment. "Who could have imagined that she would be capable of breaking your arm? But what do we do with this man now?" she pondered, pointing at the unconscious captor.

A fierce determination glinted in Misaki's eyes. "We won't kill him, not just yet. Let's return to the castle first," she decided, realizing the urgency of the situation.

They swiftly made their way back to the castle, seeking the safety of their home. One week passed, with Evangeline slowly recovering from her ordeal.

Evangeline gradually opened her eyes, her vision greeted by the worried countenances of her two mothers.

Azumi's tear-filled eyes met yours as you regained consciousness. "You've finally woken up," she whispered, her voice trembling with a mixture of relief and worry. Moving closer, she enveloped you in a tight embrace, seeking solace in the warmth of the moment.

"Don't worry, Mum. I'm fine now. There's no need to cry," you reassured her gently, using your finger to wipe away her tears.

Misaki, hearing your words, approached with a longing for an embrace of her own. "I want a hug too," she expressed, her voice filled with genuine affection.

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