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"The start"


It was late. extremely late and quiet, as the only sound that could be heard was the slight tapping of a screen and the purring of a cat. There sat in front of a large tablet was our protagonist. Their eyes were focused on the screen as they scribble on lines, after lines, after lines, for the drawing of their favorite anime that is called One piece. Their calico cat was unaware of anything, as it slept. They smiled placing down their hand that held the stylus that was connected to the tablet via a wire, taking their free hand down to pet the cat on their lap...they suddenly accidentally knocked over a mug full of hot tea onto their tablet and stylus that they held, sending shocks of electricity throughout their whole body and including the cat on their lap.....

Everything was black after that, before suddenly they were suddenly jolted up awake from the pitch black void of their slumber, by the sensation of a wet rough tongue licking their was their cat? "Huh?" They raised a brow getting up from what seemed to be a medical bed, their eyes scanned around the oddly familiar room as their cat peacefully groomed it self on the small table next to the bed, they glace at the table noticing a new paper that had a bounty photo on it 'SHANKS WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE' it read. ".... Fuck I'm in an anime".

They looked around the room in slight panick, soaking up as much information as they could. It had a lot of beds in it, plus a few I.V drips here and there, which makes them assume it was a medical bay of some sort.

"Right.... Okay don't freak out Y/n, you got this" they closed their eyes taking a deep breath as they swung the blankets off of themself, before gently grabbing their cat and standing up from the bed.

They noticed Their strange attire that were clothes from her own real life closet but...they didn't wear them when the incident happened, so why were they on her now? They shook Their head 'no time for questions' they thought, as they noticed a pair of their old boots laying beside their bed. They slipped them on and made their way to a wall that had hooks on them, one of these hooks had on a brown leather book bag that also looked like theirs. They grabbed the bag with one hand and slung it over their shoulder, before making their way to the door.


"Fuck I'm in a anime" One piece x Isekai ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now