1 - A Mage & Her Love

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Her eyes saccades along the lines on the book

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Her eyes saccades along the lines on the book. With every line she finishes, the words disappears.

She huffed and closed the book shut. Her eyes snapped to the man sitting before her with a glass of wine. "Will you stop doing that?" She scowled, an eyebrow shot up in an angle. 

"Will you stop doing that too!" He answered.

"I'm trying to finish this book and you keep doing your thing, disappearing the words." 

He shrugged, "what can I do, my love. You have been reading that book like for forever." His hand raised so did the book from her hands.

"If you had just let me finish, I wouldn't have taken forever." She eyed the wine glass and whoosh, the glass was in her hand now. 

He laughed aloud. "Okay, darling. Come follow me, I have something to show you." He gave her his hand which she gracefully took.

They walked to a new room, a space  she had never seen before. Looking quizzical as ever, she asked, "what's this?"

"It's made specially for you since our people don't like to see you with books." He said and opened the huge door. 

They entered into a dark room.
"For you and you only," he snapped his fingers and the room lit. 

She gasped at the sight. Tall and large shelves lined along the walls and in it enormous amount of books filled the shelves.

Belonging to a sorcerer's community, she was never allowed to read, it was their kind of custom. They said learnt ladies would cause chaos to the innocent people and banned them all for a mistake done by a few. Today, no one would say a word for it was her husband who gave her a library to explore.

"I love you," she whispered with teary eyed.

"Anything for you." He took her in his arms. At last his wife will no longer get stoned for carrying a book with her. 

CONSERVATORY of WORDS - A Series of Micro TaleNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ