CHAPTER 11: Love at First Fight

Start from the beginning

"Oh no, they're getting away!" Tyler said.

"We may be weak but we can still handle the Vivix!" Riley said.

"I hope so...that makeup is really dangerous!" Tyler said.

"He's right!" Koda said.

"Yeah, we have to stop them! Come on Tyler, Touya and Shelby!" Chase said.

"Let's do this!" I said.

"Let's go!" Tyler said.

"I'm with you!" Shelby said.

Me, Tyler, Shelby and Chase went after them.

"Hey!" Tyler said.

"Stop right there!" Chase said.

"You can't get away!" I said.

"No chance!" Shelby said.

"I will hold them off!" Wrench said as he went after us.

"You asked for it, Wrench!" Tyler said.

The three of us started to fight Wrench.


Tyler, Shelby and Chase ended up going into Dino Steel.

Tyler and Chase formed the T-Rex Chopper and attacked Wrench, Shelby used her Tricera Drill to try and attack him while I used the Dino Blade Blaster to attack him.

"Kendall said the others are safe now!" Chase said.

"That's great! Let's finish this tin can!" Tyler said.

"Agreed!" I said.

"Let's do this!" Shelby said.

"T-Rex Chopper Blast!" Tyler shouted.

"Tricera Drill!" Shelby shouted.

"Rapid Blast!" Touya shouted.

The two of us fired at Wrench.

"I'm out of here!" Wrench said as he escaped.

"Aw man, it looks like Wrench disappeared!" Tyler said.

"Seriously" Touya said.

"Again" Chase said.

"He always does that" Shelby said.

The four of us demorphed.

"Let's get out of here!" Tyler said.

"Ok" Chase and Shelby said.

"Let's go!" I said.


Me, Tyler, Shelby and Chase were walking back to the base. The four of us saw Poisandra chasing a civilian. "Hey!" Chase said. "Oh no!" Poisandra said. The four of us were going after the two of them. Chase was saying something in his New Zealand accent that we couldn't understand. "I better get out of here!" Poisandra said as she ran away.

Tyler was checking on the girl while me, Shelby and Chase went after Poisandra.

The three of us came back when we lost sight of Poisandra. "That's not good" I said. "She got away" Chase said. "Again" Shelby said. "I got what I want" Tyler said. "Want to get something to eat?" the girl asked. "Do I ever?" Tyler said. The two of them walked away.


{Ellie Todoroki}

All of us were back at the Dino Bite Café. We were watching Tyler's 'date' with the girl. "Really? They just met?" I said. "Yeah" my dad said. "Mm-hmm" Chase said.