30. ⚠️

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W o o y o u n g | S a n The cold feeling of guilt rushed through my veins when San and I slowly got into my bed

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W o o y o u n g | S a n
The cold feeling of guilt rushed through my veins when San and I slowly got into my bed. It took me the entire day to make my decision. And I wasn't sure, if I made the right one.

Knowing that San wouldn't be there when I'd wake up tomorrow was a nightmare. But it'd be reality soon and I needed to focus on mu father's words now.

I didn't make my decision because of love. I didn't have that much love left for my father. But I made that decision because my brain told me to.

My father would've never leave me behind. He would've never let me stay with San. One day he'd sue San, ruin his career, his life just to get me back as his sweet little naive son. And I didn't want San to get in trouble.

He may be a bad man with a dark past but that didn't matter anymore. I wished him the best. He just had to be happy. If he wouldn't be happy or end up in jail I would never forgive myself.

San was great, I just knew it. And even though I just got informed about his dark past, his criminal side and the laws he probably broke, I still only saw his good side. He was a good person, I just knew it. I couldn't proof it, but I simply knew it

Today was the day I would leave this man. The man that man that made me happy, the man that made me feel lust and desire for the first time and the man that showed me my worth, my uniqueness. And I would never settle down for anything less anymore.

San's eyes were closed by now. The moonlight was the only source of light that fell into my room. The light was blue, cold and it almost created a mystique atmosphere. As if the moon knew what would happen next.

It was the first time San had closed his eyes before me. He must've been exhausted yet I also acted like I was asleep since I knew that he'd only close his eyes if I was safely asleep.

His black lashes looked beautiful, his skin was flawless and his fit muscular body looked like a dream. You are the one, San. You are the one. You were the one. I will always think of you, trust me. There won't be a day I won't regret what I'll do next.

With teary eyes I slowly got up as quietly as possible. I walked to my shelf in order to pack some stuff in my travel bag. Just some simple outfits and some of my favorite items. A few cosmetic items, a few comfortable clothes and two of my favorite books.

Such a simple bag for leaving forever. But I needed to focus on my family, my father and San's career. He wouldn't end up with issues just because I couldn't let go of him.

I grabbed a piece of paper and took one of my cute looking pens that had a panda on it. So not fitting to this situation.
I bit my lip. I wanted to  to write what came into my mind.

But there were no words left. I didn't have any words. There wasn't something that could possibly justify me leaving the man that I wanted so much. Nothing could possibly explain what my plan was, my intention.

Bodyguard | Woosan English   finished ☑️ Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt