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Y/N: We're going to the palace now, aren't we?  *follow them*

Christopher: *lowers neck* Yes, but it's far away, so it's better to fly there.

Y/N: Okay, I need to sit on the neck?  *walks up to Christopher*

Christopher: On the neck or on the spine, whichever you prefer.

Y/N:Am I too heavy for you?  *sits on neck*

Christopher: We are dragons, we can carry tons.

*You start flying towards the palace*

Y/N: I have a question for you: how long have you been looking for someone to adopt?

Christopher: 1 year

Y/N: It must have seemed like an eternity to you.

Anastasia: Yes... That's right.

Y/N: How far do we need to fly?

Anastasia: Far away, that's all I'll say.

Y/N: Then I will ask the last question: what will we do after we arrive at the palace?

Christopher: First we'll show you to your room, then you'll take a bath because you smell awful.

Y/N: Sorry, I was underground for a long time, I lived there in the summer and used the cryocapsule.

     *You made it to the palace and it was huge and then your new parents show you to your room*

Y/N: This team is huge!  Maybe even too much.

Christopher: It doesn't change the fact that you're going to the bathroom.

Y/N: That's understandable *grab your shower supplies and go to the bathroom.  And when you entered the bathroom, you noticed that it was luxurious *

Y/N: For a simple person like me, it's unusual to see such a luxurious bathroom.

Y/N: Phew, accepted, I smell nice, well, it's time to go to the room *you packed your things, went into the room and noticed that there was a Play Station 5 next to the TV*

Y/N (thoughts): When did they manage to accommodate things for my height?

Christopher: Do you like your room?

Y/N: Naturally!  Thank you very much!

Christopher: Please, what do you want to do?

Y/N: Maybe I'll sleep, all these moments made me a little tired.

Christopher: Okay, I'll leave you alone.

Y/N: Then I'll go, thanks again.  *falls asleep and lays down on her*

   *After 2 hours you wake up*

Y/N: How well I slept!  I haven't slept like this in a long time, I think we should take a walk around the palace.  *you dress in clean clothes, go out into the corridor and see guards patrolling the halls*

Y/N (thoughts): They look scary, I wouldn't want to see them.

   *You wanted to go in the opposite direction from the guards, but encountered a five-meter dragon blocking your path*

Y/N (thoughts): He's even bigger!  Does he use steroids?

???: What's a sandwich doing here?

Y/N: I'm not a sandwich, I just wanted to see the palace.  But why did you say that about me?

???: Because I'm hungry and you look amazing

Y/N: If yes, then you will be executed for killing a member of the royal family.

Life of Aaron among the AntrosNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ