Merlin : interesting. Can you tell me about their society?

Author/me  : sure the most notable thing about them is a strong bond with the siblings. They don't do relationships like I said, they have really nice once a month they large clutches of eggs, notably, seven eggs, and the dragonet who hatches first is called a big wings the leader of their troop when is the big wings are able to get out of their eggs they helped her siblings by cracking the egg shells with clay, the guardian supposed to come for attacking them inseparable

Gother : interesting very very interesting. Can you tell me about this mud wing you keep talking about with the name clay, so can you tell me about they're naming schemes

Author/me  : sure, I'd be very happy to the naming schemes, have a lot of forms, mainly colors of brown, like umber animals like crocodile and pheasant and synonyms of the word, swamp like marsh or bog

Elizabeth  : wow that's really cool like really really cool but are there more dragon tribes from what I've been listening to from  you

Author/me  : Yes, there are  there are about 10 tribes. The next tribe is the sky wings.

Escanor : well, then, let's get to what the sky wings look like then their society, and lastly naming

Author/me : of course, sky wings appear to have slender, aerodynamic bodies with long curvy horns and small spikes, the whole length of the spine to the tip of their tail they have enormous wings that allow them fight for faster and longer distances and this is a advantage, because they can fly longer and farther than the other dragon tribes without getting tired they can also be fire hotter than any of the other 10 dragon tribes even though a lot of them don't

Meliodas : I would like to be a sky wing

Author/me : hold your horses we only one over two of the 10 Dragon tribes, which leaves eight left and without further ado, their skills can range anywhere from deep red like a ruby color, or a bright orange like Scarlet but they will be something strange that will happen with an egg every once in a while

Diane and king : what happens Are the eggs OK

Author/me : everything is fine with the egg what I'm talking about is the egg will have two dragon nuts inside one with fire scale is the one that just fire less fire skills seem to glow from the inside. The only Sky wing pov with fire skills is a Skywing named peril

Elizabeth and Diane : why is her name peril?

Author/me : I don't know who gave her the name, but it was most likely queen scarlet the name peril means something like great danger, and some peril has fire skills in fire. Scales how to do it too much fire anything that can burn will start burning ice wing frost breath all will only cause temporary numbness

Gother : that's really interesting, but what about the fireless one

Author/me  : they're just that wireless and their color to sickly pale, the only two sky wings of the symptoms that we know of are peril and sky The only reason they were the only ones that we know it's because all other sky wings with the symptoms that also includes animals drugs. I will get to that, so you don't bug me they are most likely thrown off the highest cliff to die.

King : that's barbaric why do they do that?

Author/me : for one reason, and one reason only sky wings never are able to tolerate differences until the crowning of queen ruby, when she started to change these all the sky wings plus animals dragons, which are basically like telekinesis type stuff, except anytime the power are used it will only cause the dragon with the magic to lose part of their soul.

Escanor : I feel bad for all the poor dragonets who had to suffer I'm pretty sure they were just newborns

Author/me  : you are correct they were newborns and back to the sky wings define skills are typically heart of the kill due to the weapons either burning are melting on contact 

Merlin : as interesting as it was, I have to feel really bad for those newborn sky with Dragonet who didn't get a chance at life all because they had a differences well, let's move onto their society and get this over with so we can move onto another tribe

Author/me : OK onto society, the sky wings never tolerated major differences in their kingdom or at least they didn't in centuries past what he mentioned before was any of the twin anomalies that came about or the animus one they would be thrown off the highest cliff but they are working on creating this mindset in the recent times and their names can take a few forms, notably scarlet colors like vermilion scarlet gemstones, like Ruby and tourmaline, birds, like kestrel and osprey or mountainous things like cliff and avalanche, this guy wins of dark stalkers era were described by fathom as the "friendly tribe "but then again it is a possibility that he was just being sarcastic Sky wing dragonet it's a raisin, a place called the Wingery, which is a place where they spend most of their time with each other and learn to fly at a young age with structures built in the room

King : that's really interesting literally and I never knew that they were 10 dragon tribes never and I was sky wings teach the dragnets to fly at a young age is just really good

Author/me : yeah, that was get back to this sky wing's seem to value entertainment often throwing extravagant parties, full of orchestral, music and dancing. They also enjoyed the Claudio come back when the arena was still in arena before turning into a Hospital by Queen Ruby, but with me, and possibly many others by most interesting about them is there burial rituals when a sky wing dies the body is wrapped in white cloth and left on the highest peaks for seven days to offer it to the sky, the bodies and burned so the dragon to be reincarnated as a sky wing

Merlin and Gother : I didn't know they had a burial rituals

Author/me : neither did I but now I do and that's good bye guys till another reaction

Elizabeth aunt Merlin : no, please stay

Author/me : I'm sorry, but I have to go. I have other important things to do. Literally please do not talk about it, so how do I like the video?

Everyone  : it was terrific

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