"What the hell?" Densel asked her. "This isn't a pep-talk."

Cassie scoffed and raised an eyebrow at him, "do you need a pep-talk? I can go grab you girlfriend, but she'll probably just tell you to fuck off." Aries nudged him and laughed. "Anyway, we're going to have a great match!" Cassie clapped and they high-fived each other. "LET'S DO THIS!"

They all lined up and followed Cassie out onto the field to hear people cheering. She smiled to herself as she walked to Madam Hooch who was standing in the middle of the field.

"Now, I want a nice fair game, all of you," she said, once they were all gathered around her. Cassie smirked at her then at the Ravenclaw captain. They both walked forward and shook hands.

"Good luck," she told him and he nodded back.

"You as well."

They both turned and walked back to their teams.

"Mount your brooms, please."

Everyone mounted their brooms quickly and Madam Hooch blew her whistle. 15 brooms were in the air at once. She threw the quaffle in the air and Cassie snatched it, racing past the Ravenclaw members. "And the Quaffle is taken immediately by Cassiopiea Black of Slytheirn– Merlin's fuck, that's a long name, I'm never saying that again," Remus complained like he did everytime and yet still did it and received a glared from McGonagall who then took his microphone. He ran after her, tripping a little along the way.

Peter laughed at him and took over, "And she's really belting along up there, a neat pass to Theodore Not– back to Black and -- the Ravenclaws have taken the Quaffle, Ravenclaw Captain Davis gains the Quaffle and off he goes -- Davis flying like an eagle up there -- he's going to sc- no, stopped by Slytherin keeper Aries Zabini. Slytherin has the Quaffle– that's Chaser Densel Burke of Slytherin there, nice dive around Smith ,off up the field and -- OUCH -- that must have hurt, hit in the back of the head by a Bludger -- Quaffle taken by the Ravens-- that's Danielle Cornfield speeding off toward the goal posts, but she's blocked by a second Bludger -- sent her way by Asheron Parkinson, and Black back in possession of the Quaffle, a clear field ahead and off she goes -- she's really flying -- dodges a speeding Bludger -- the goal posts are ahead Keeper Blainly dives -- misses – The Snakes Score!"

"I'M BACK!" Remus yells and takes over for the next part. "Mother fucking snakes, gotta say though, some of their quidditch players are really nice to look at!" McGonagall slaps her forehead and starts yelling at him again.

They played for a little bit more, both teams getting a few scores in. The keepers were running between the hoops like crazy, getting a little dizzy.

Neither team had much of a true plan, it was Slytherin and Ravenclaw, no matter what they came up with, the other figured it out half way through. "Slytherin in possession," Remus was saying, "Chaser Nott ducks two Bludgers and Chaser Davis, and speeds toward the – wait a moment -- was that the Snitch? SOMEONE FUCKING GRAB IT!"

McGonagall snatched the microphone from him again and he went chasing after her. Sirius appeared out of nowhere and sat down next to Peter who pushed his mic over. "I SWEAR TO GOD IF SOMEONE LET'S MY SISTER WIN, I'M GOING TO–" He was cut off by Flitwick levitating the microphone out of his reach and back over to Peter. Sirius gave him an 'are you serious' look and crossed his arms.

"Go Mr. Black," Sprout told him and he sighed dramatically before walking back to his seat.

"Ravenclaw in possession -- Davis with the Quaffle -- passes Nott-- passes Black– HEY! HE SHOVED HER! YOU COULD'VE KNOCKED HER OFF HER BROOM– OH–HE'S HIT HARD IN THE FACE BY A BLUDGER, hope it broke his nose-- only joking, Professor -- Ravenclaws score–"

The blues stand up and cheer as Davis comes back around, "Sorry 'bout that!" He calls to the Slytherin Captain.

"Yeah, you should be!" Theo yells at him and Cassie glares at the chaser.

"GET BACK TO THE GAME!" She shouts the order and he turns away back to the quaffle. "You're alright, Davis," she tells him before racing after Theo.

The games were still going, no one had found the snitch since they had last seen it. Both teams were getting tired.

They were sweating like crazy, the only good thing was that they still had some cool air from the winter season so it wasn't as bad. Suddenly, a bludger came out of no where and Theo was hit off his broom. Den dived and caught him and his broom, but he looked to be in pain. "SHIT!" Cassie yelled, "Get him to Madam Hooch and get Camilla out here!"

They called a timeout as they took him off the pitch, not wanting anyone else to get hurt in the process. The only ones still moving were the beaters, keeping the bludgers away from people.

"He okay?" Davis questioned and Cassie flew closer to him.

"Yeah, he'll be fine, nothing Madam Pomfrey can't fix, probably just some bruises," she explained and Davis nodded.

"Yeah, I remember getting hit, wasn't pleasant," he shook his head, remembering. "No matter who wins though, epic party after." Cassie laughed and nodded.

"Puff going to bring the weed again?" She asked and Davis laughed.

"Yeah, already asked, they got it all ready, especially for you fifth years, god, I hated my OWLS," he laughed. Cassie knew he was trying to psych her out so she raised an eyebrow.

"You do realize you still have your NEWTS next year?" She asked him and his face paled.

His eyes narrowed and he smirked, "oh you're evil." She shrugged and laughed at him. From the corner of her eyes she saw Camilla and Den fly back out onto the field.

"LETS GO!" She shouted and went over to welcome Camilla. Everyone got into position as Madam Hooch threw up the Quaffle.

Smith dove for it first and the chase was on again. At the same time, both Seekers raced for the snitch. Cassie flew side by side Cronfield after she was passed the ball and Cassie smirked at her as Cronfield headed for the hoops, but Cassie reached her hand over and the ball slipped from Cronfield's hands and was caught by Camilla.

She flipped over and flew over to the Ravenclaw hoops and threw the ball as Remus announced the Ravenclaw win. The stands erupted into cheers. The Slytherins looked a little disappointed, but Cassie flew to Davis and shook his hand in the sky. "It was a great game."

Davis nodded, "yeah, and you've still got Hufflepuff, don't worry about it, you guys already made history earlier this season, you could slack off the rest of the year and no one would bat an eye." They both laughed and flew to the bottom of the pitch where people were celebrating the Ravenclaw seeker.

Regulus looked scared and disappointed, "Cass, I'm s–"

His sister cut him off, "Reg, we played great, our points are still neck and neck with Gryffindor, we're fine," she slung her arm over his shoulder. "LOCKER ROOM!" She yelled and all the quidditch players, even the Ravenclaws followed her instructions, wanting to get out of their sweaty gear.

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