001. dragged down to earth

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[ season 1]

                    Somehow, the coldness around the cell didn't give her goosebumps no more. She grew used to it, since it had been no longer than 3 months that she had been locked up. The little girl known as sunshine, turned into tenebrosity since her smile never appeared again. She didn't have any reason to smile, so why should she? All she ever did all day was lounge about in her small cell, look outside at the darkness punctured by bright burning stars, and look at the walls. The little girl sometimes wondered if her life would've been different than this, if she hadn't thought about attempting to murder. Then again, her father almost never let her go outside of their quarters except when she had to go to school, so it would've been similar.

Only here, she didn't have to keep an ear out for her father's loud footsteps coming towards her room with a sneer on his face. She didn't have to try and find something around her to protect herself or to shut her ears whenever her father would blabber loudly and drunkenly at her. Here, she was somehow at peace. The only sound she would have to hear all day was that never-ending buzzing sound of the Ark.

You would think that a young girl like her, locked up all alone for months would spend her days crying and smuggling the cardboard like blanket and cowering in fear. No—although sometimes she thought of it—Juniper never cried again. The last time she ever felt her tears streaming down her face was the day that she got locked up. The girl controlled herself to not cry anymore, thinking that those bastards that locked her up were undeserving of her tears. If she cried, it meant she was weak. She didn't want anyone to know that she was weak. Not even that bastard, Diego.

Diego Lombardi, the golden child that his parents always had wished for before they had him. His big smile, rosy cheeks and dimples were something you did not need to fall for. He was a double-headed monster, who would smile up at you whenever he wanted to give on the impression that every parent should deserved a kid like him, only for him to put on his real facade and make you cower and look down at your feet as he laughed and pointed at you. Of course, he wouldn't do it in front of the adults. He was always cautious, thinking of where to take his step before doing so. He would treat you like a best friend in front of the older ones, but then stab you in the back as soon as they're out of eyeshot. He was a sneaky snake, and thus why Juniper never knew how he found out about her plan.

Juniper always thought whenever she had nothing to do—which was all the time—and her thoughts only went to that devil Diego and how she could possibly find a way to murder him. Of course, the girl knew it was a big thing to do, murder, but she didn't care nevertheless. She grew to be a careless kid, before she even ruined her life she had straight A's at school, and now she couldn't even manage to pass an F. Juniper didn't care, and she never would. She didn't know why she needed good grades when school wasn't even needed anymore for prisoners like her. They wouldn't become anything in life, except for small particles around the galaxy as they were sucked into the unknown.

She then heard commotion outside of her cell, but wasn't alerted right away. There were always days whenever a prisoner would become enraged and rebel against the bulky guards whenever they had had enough of their bullshit. Most of the time, this type of commotion would've died within seconds since the guards were always on their feet and ready to fight back, but this time the commotion seemed to grow bigger and bigger, almost reaching her own cell.

Thinking she would hear better if she approached her cell door, Juniper got up on her small feet and approached the metal door with feather like footsteps. Her fingers reached for the cold metal to lean on and her ear was positioned right on top of it. Her brows furrowed when she recognized some of the voices screaming and what seemed like thrashing in the guard's grasp. She could hear their electrocution tools—which she never learned the name of—being used on the others. Her eyes widened, and her heart started racing. She didn't know what was happening, and she grew to be scared.

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