Can You Feel My Love - Jake (smut)

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Summary: Jake reads some negative media comments, so you love on him to cheer him up.

Warnings: smut, a little bit of angst and even more fluff, pet names, mentions of negative media comments, begging, body worship (m rec.), hickies and biting, rimming (m rec.), Jake is a bit of a masochist, there's not really a dom/sub theme, but reader does take the lead.

Word Count: 2.8k.

A/N: This is a litttlleee self-indulgent, but the thought of worshipping Jake's body is ✨. Regardless, I hope you enjoy!


You weren't quite sure what it was, but something was off about Jake. You had noticed it a little bit after lunch, while you were cleaning up, and he had looked at you with eyes that just weren't as bright as usual and matched your attempt at making conversation with short sentences. When you had finished, he retreated to the back of the house and every once in a while, you could faintly hear whatever somber notes he was plucking out on his acoustic guitar.

You made yourself busy--regardless of how badly you wanted to know what was bothering your sweet Jake--tidying up around the house and doing things that needed to be done, like doing your laundry from the weekend trip you two recently took, and finally replacing the burnt-out lightbulb on the patio. Of course, you had your speculations about what was on his mind, but you forced yourself to push those thoughts aside. You knew that he would come to you when he was ready to.

And he did come to you, a few hours later, after you'd finished all the housework you'd been wanting to get done. You were relaxing in the living room, curled up comfortably against the arm of the couch, laptop balancing on the tops of your thighs. You couldn't hear him padding softly down the hallway over the rapid clacking of your computer keys, so you startled a little when you felt the couch dip besides you.

"Jake," you giggled. "You scared me."

He hummed in reply as he shifted positioning, pressing his body against your side and maneuvering his arm beneath both of yours, to wrap around your waist. You closed your laptop and set it on the side table, bringing your own hand across your body to stroke at Jake's silky hair. He leaned into your touch, head falling to the side to rest on your shoulder.

You don't really know how long you stayed like that, wrapped in each other's arms and resting in a comfortable silence. Moments like this made your heart swell, even if the air was drooping with a certain melancholy, as it currently was. You always enjoyed being close to him, of course, but you also enjoyed listening to his even breathing when he was totally at ease, and the way he absentmindedly rubbed his thumb up and down whatever part of you he had his hands on.

You break the silence with a careful whisper, turning your head just slightly to meet his eyes, "Is something on your mind, baby?"

"It's nothing, really... Just- been spending too much time on the internet, I guess."

The softly spoken revelation had your heart clenching so painfully tight. You knew what people said about him, what they said about his band and their music, you'd even read some of the comments yourself. The majority of it was praise, but the rest of it... you could hardly imagine how someone could say such things about a person they'd never met.

"Jake..." you trailed off. There was so much you could say, but you couldn't yet put all the words together. For the time being, you pulled him closer, as close as you two could possibly get.

He mumbled, his voice muffled from where his face had been buried against the crook of your neck,  "It's really hard not to get caught up in it all."

"... None of it's true, you know? Not anything they say about you, or the guys." You take a deep breath before continuing, "You are so, so wonderful, inside and out. And you're so loved, honey, by everyone around you."

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