1-When We Were Young

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I was never told outright that I was a demigod. My father never disclosed the information and when a satyr came to take me while my dad was at work, there was an influx of demigods going to Camp Half-Blood. I was one of hundreds brought that summer when I was ten and nine twelfths. I was pushed, I was shoved, I was hated. I had weight on me, I was bigger than those my age. Other girls were growing up now while I continued to grow out. I didn't like it and spent many hours crying.
"There, there, my child." A beautiful voice said to me as I cried on the bathroom floor of the Aphrodite cabin. Everyone else was at the climbing wall, girls had taken a look at me and turned their noses at me with disgust. I was disgusting to them.
I looked up at the voice, with every blink she changed, she was always beautiful but her shape changed, her face changed, her skin color and hair color and eye color continued to change. She bent down to me, putting her hand on my cheek, she stayed in one body. One that looked like me but older. Pale skin, freckles, red hair that lightened at the ends, clear teal eyes, bigger at the stomach and breasts and hips and thighs. And she had rolls.
"Wha-" I start to say, my voice filled with pity, but she shushed me the way a mother would when calming her young one.
"Listen to me Stella Dawn, I carried you, I made you perfect in my womb, I planned every little freckle, every little scar, every stretch mark. I made you perfectly beautiful. So do not dare doubt, that I didn't make a more perfect girl to become a woman of great importance, understand me?"
She's Aphrodite, my mother.
I nodded my head. "Yes ma'am, I do understand." I answer. She wipes the tears off my face, kisses the top of my head, smiles at me, then she's gone and im alone in the bathroom with the faint smell of laurel leaves.
I'd be okay.
I'm perfect as I am.
Shut up stupid thoughts.
I'm pretty.
I walked back to the wall.
And I beat the top score of that year.
Thick muscle hides under this "fat" ladies.

When you're young every little thing matters to you. When your older, it's the details you worry about but notice the full picture. When you're old . . . well, I never was able to get old.

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