Pain in the Neck

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Dracula gracefully descended from the second-story balcony. The height from which he fell would have caused serious injury to anyone else, but for him, it was as effortless as stepping down a single stair.

"This madness must end," Dracula declared as he moved down the center aisle. "Everyone is losing their heads, and for what?"

Parents cleared a path for him as he passed, their movements in perfect unison—an effect of Dracula's mind control. Beatrix was enraptured by Dracula's power to command others without uttering a word. It was far superior to a phantom or mermaid's lullaby.

Dracula's nonchalant attitude about controlling others really made his daughter look like a pacifist. While Draculaura had compelled Guillermo to reveal Beatrix's magic tactics and had subdued Vilhelm, she rarely used mind control. Beatrix respected her restraint.

Dracula continued, "Young people, regardless of the era, are bound to display spirited behavior. It was the first time our offspring were allowed off-campus this semester; are they not allowed a bit of fun? Once the Devein and Radescu families issue an apology for the damage done to my daughter's property, we can conclude this matter."

A banshee woman spoke up. "I heard the school ban was lifted 'cause all them vampire parents were pushin' for it. Your lot has got special privileges here, and look what it's led to! Students are losin' their lives! There was a ban put in place for a reason! You vampires think you can shirk responsibility and act like nothin' happened!"

Dracula's red eyes bore into the banshee woman. "I don't like what you are implying, madam. As of now, no conclusive evidence has emerged this evening. It would be wise to refrain from hasty accusations, especially when accusing two innocent students of murdering their peers."

The banshee woman lowered her head.

Dracula was above even the most distinguished vampire aristocrats—which explained why the other vamps let him speak on their behalf.

Dracula shifted his stare to Bloodgood, who stood upon the screamatorium stage. "Do you truly believe it was within your rights to confine our offspring here all year because of a random incident in the woods?" he interrogated.

Draculaura rose from her seat, placing a hand on Clawd's shoulder to steady herself. "Dad! It wasn't some random incident!" She swayed slightly, looking ill.

"Not now, 'laura," Dracula interjected.

Draculaura ignored him; her father's influence had no power over her. "Bram and Vilhelm's parents hold positions on the vampiric council and therefore are important donors to the school," she said. "That's why they were able to return so quickly after being suspended for draining two human girls. The school hasn't been able to rein them in, and these off-campus murders highlight the unchecked elitism of the vampire community."

"Innocent until proven guilty, my little bat," Dracula said, eerily calm. Draculaura was the only one who could voice dissent against her father and get away with it.

Before his daughter could continue, Dracula addressed the crowd. "Bram Devein and Vilhelm Radescu, would you share your account of that evening? What were your intentions?"

Bram and Vilhelm stood. Bram's arm was in a sling, a consequence of Beatrix flinging him through a window, and Vilhelm had bruises covering his arms and face. Vampire injuries healed quickly, but the wounds still made Beatrix look pretty ruthless.

Beatrix stifled a cackle.

Grey glanced over.

"I did a number on them, huh?" Beatrix whispered.

Grey pressed a finger to his lips, but she noticed him suppressing a grin too.

"Our goal was to frighten her, not harm her," Bram said.

"We're not murderers. We were only looking out for normie threats at Monster High," Vilhelm added, his words rehearsed. "The witch is the one you should be questioning. She's already fabricated a story about us draining humans in Downtown New Salem—why would you believe her now? She's concealing her own evil deeds!"

A vampire mom, undoubtedly Bram's, cried out, "Why are you pointing fingers at my poor baby, when there's a vicious sorceress in our midst?"

Grey shifted in his seat, his hand moving to draw his weapon in case things escalated. No one had spotted where Beatrix was yet, but it was just a matter of time.

The room grew rowdy again as other parents joined in.

"Normies have no place in these halls! The point of Monster High is to provide a safe haven for monsters!" a skeleton dad hollered.

"Then why are vampires allowed to bring human familiars on campus to serve them?"

"Those human servants are irrelevant to this matter!" Dracula snapped. "My little bat deserves a familiar to cater to her needs. Vampires enjoy greater leeway due to our inherent power surpassing you other creatures. It's the natural order of the supernatural world."

No one spoke against Dracula's argument, but resentment simmered in the rows of seats.

"Regardless, that girl isn't a human! She's a sorceress!" another voice shouted. "These monster murders aren't the work of a vampire. They don't feast on monster blood, only humans!"

"That means there's only one suspect left! Let's rid ourselves of the witch once and for all!"

Beatrix's hands curled into fists. Given the evidence, it should have been obvious Bram and Vilhelm were responsible for Gilda and Brocko's deaths. Yet, Beatrix found herself trapped in a room with a bunch of ancient overpowered snobs who all had their own agendas. And she was about to be their scapegoat.

Grey's hand still held hers. He squeezed it firmly, a silent signal for her to calm down.

"Where is the witch anyway? She should be facing us, admitting to what she's done!" someone demanded.

"In all the nine hells..." Beatrix mumbled, her frustration bubbling over. The direction the meeting was taking had pushed her to her limits.

So she blurted out, "Fine!"

Beatrix's outburst startled those sitting nearby, making her presence known to everyone.

She slipped her hand from Grey's grip and strode to the front of the screamatorium.

Monster High: Season of the WitchHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin