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Bold and italics is rue

Bold and italics is rue

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Maya was a straight a student part of that was because she literally had like no friends your most likely asking why

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Maya was a straight a student part of that was because she literally had like no friends your most likely asking why... Nate fucking jacobs he's a controlling psychopath so she had no one me and her spoke sometimes when Nate wasn't there but that was hardly ever he literally had her attached at the hip but she is one of the nicest people I know literally every guy wants her but Nate has her she's gorgeous so I can't blame them all

Maya got out of the shower and made her way to her vanity

maya thought kinda negative about herself which I will never understand and I don't anyone else would to be honest and your asking why as you guessed the reason is nate every time he got angry he would call her thing and honestly none of it was true

she soon snapped out of her zoning out as she heard her phone rang she look at it "Nate ❤️" she quickly answer as she knew what would happen "hey" she said "hey babe I'll be at yours at 7 ok?" He said as he drove away from fezcos store she knew Nate would show up even if she said no so "yes ofc" she said with a smile "ok bye love you" he said before she could say anything he hangs up she rummeges through her pocket of one of her jackets that Nate had bought her after a argument to find a pre rolled joint she had got from fezco earlier he always pre rolled them as he knew she never got the hang of it

Fez and Maya have been friends for years if Nate ever ever found out it would not end well and if fez ever found out what Nate did to her that wouldn't end well either

She uses the money her parents leave for her to buy the weed as they leave a fair amount of money everytime they leave for business she lit the joint and smoked it there was a time Nate caught her smoking one and it didn't end well it was before school her went to pick her up she got into his car and he could smell it long story short he gripped onto her arm to hard he left extremely bad bruises but ofc she forgave him. She started doing her makeup after taking a few puffs from the joint

SHe finished the joint and went to get her dressed in her closet as if she got dressed in her room she went smell of the weed and she didn't want a repeat of what had already happened she put her heels on and put perfume and waited downstairs as s...

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SHe finished the joint and went to get her dressed in her closet as if she got dressed in her room she went smell of the weed and she didn't want a repeat of what had already happened she put her heels on and put perfume and waited downstairs as soon as she heard a knock she ran to the door and gave Nate the biggest hug he kissed her forehead and said "Maya I swear to fucking God" he pushed her off him and she knew what he was on about but it was always deny deny deny "what are you on about Nate" she says as she locked up and walked to the car "why the fuck have you been smoking" he says as they both get into the car "what" she says with a shaky voice she was praying and praying that nothing would happen "Maya I can't fucking believe you do you really want a fucking repeat of the other week" he says as he grips into the steering wheel "no no ofcourse not I swear I havnt been smoking" she says tryibg to convince him "I can't fucking do this right now let's just get to McKay party" he says has he grips onto her thigh slightly hurting but she doesn't say anything the rest of the cat ride is silent until the pull up to McKay house and he says "you look really beautiful you know I'm sorry for shouting" he says gaining eye contact from Maya "thank you Nate but it's ok I know you don't mean to" she says and she holds his hand he takes his hand away and gets out she rolls her eyes and gets out and follows Nate into the house he holds her hand as she walks down the stairs so she doesn't fall as they get down Nate let's go once again as days "heyy McKay" and then goes to sit Maya just stands then then Nate takes his shirt off abit strange but then makes Maya sit in his lap they all go on about stuff that doesn't interest Maya so she goes on her phone and message from fez comes through she quickly swipes it up hoping Nate didn't see

Fez💊🍃:you gon be at party tonight?

[first person now cos I realise I havnt been writing in it sorry]

You looks at Nate and lucky he's to focused on the conversation they then start talking about how Cassie is a slut and start watching naked videos that Nate is showing them you look at him in disgust and get up and leave as people had already  arrived around 10 minutes ago you get yourself a drink and suddenly feel Somone grab your arm and drag you to the front "Maya what the fuck you embarrassing me for" he says as he lets go "your joking you r literally watching a other girl get fucked that's basically cheating" you say already pissed off "oh give me a fucking break it's not like I'm going to fuck her is it" he says in a pissed tone "well how do I know you won't" you say with slightly raised eye brows as Nate goes to say something you walk into the party get yourself another drink and go to the back yard to find the one and only fez you smiled and waved and he did the same but you didn't go over even if you had argued with Nate you was still worried about what he would say you went inside to see Nate kissing some girl so you saw Somone looking you, you went over and whisper "come to the pool with me" you both get un dressed and get into the pool you saw that Nate followed you but payed no attention to him "my name is Tyler btw" he says "your so fucking hot" Tyler says as he takes his shorts off "I know" you say as you step into the pool you, you swim to Tyler and he lifts you up and you wrap your legs around him Tyler then says "your fucking crazy" with a chuckle you look at him and say "no I'm not I'm just tryna get back at my shitty boyfriend " with a straight face "what" he says almost stunned "what if I told you I wanted you to fuck me right here right now" you say as you whisper in his ear "r u serious" he says with a grin you kiss him his lips gliding with yours these 2 guys were already filming but you weren't to bothered you and Tyler carry on and then you hear Nate and he says "yeah that's real classy you fucking whore" you look up and "yeah well suck my dick" people start laughing Nate throws his can and walks off

After this nate then storms into the kitchen but we all know what ended up happening with him and jules

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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