Sam x Reader - Love Birds

Start from the beginning

"I've been waiting for you two lovebirds." She stated, still looking over the bowl. "Pardon?" You asked, keeping your gun aimed at her back. "I said, I've been waiting for you two lovebirds. All this time, you've been thinking you were hunting me when I was hunting you. Now, it's time." She said as she turned around. "Sam.." you said cautiously. "Don't worry, I'll protect you." He pushed you behind him a little. "What are you going to do to us?" He asked, pointing the gun at her forehead. "Not 'us'. Her." She pointed to you.

"You're not laying a finger on her." She smirked. "You're right. I'm not." She swung Sam against the wall to her right and swung the door closed, locking it. "Now, stay." She commanded and pointed at your feet. You struggled to move them but it wouldn't budge. You looked at your gun in your hand and smiled, cocking it and aiming it at her head. "Nice try." She stated, without looking behind her and waved her hand, making your gun fly to your right. She continued to chant some words and a spark flew onto your head, making you a little dizzy and nauseous. "Oh god.." you muttered. "What did you do to her!?" Sam exclaimed, struggling on the wall. "You will know in time." She smiled as she vanished and Sam fell from the wall while you fell to the floor with a loud thud. "Guys?" Dean asked as her ran upstairs and pushed open the door. "Let's get her home, now!" Sam picked you up and ran you to the Impala, sitting with you in the back.

Occasionally he would kiss your hair, telling you everything would be okay. You didn't feel any different just cloudy and disorientated. Eventually Dean and Sam got you home to the bunker and laid you down on your big and comfortable bed. You sprawled out and motioned for Sam to come over. "Yeah? What's going on?" You smiled,"I'm fine. Don't worry. She probably gave me the common cold." You both chuckled and you eventually drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

The morning came around and you fluttered your eyes open, inhaling the cold and fresh morning air. You rolled over onto your bed and fell off. 'huh..that normally doesn't happen..' you thought. You got back onto the bed and saw your hands. The weren't your normal, tiny and soft hands. They were slightly bigger and a little rough. You cocked your head and frowned,"That's weird-" you grabbed your mouth and felt a bit of stubble. "No.." You ran to your body mirror and looked at your reflection.

Luckily, you had your shorts on but your shirt was gone. Showing your toned abs and stomach. "Holy shit..I'm hot." You ran a hand through your hair and saw y/h/c hair was shorter and a looked a little unkept. You shook your hand in your hair a little and it looked a little bit better. You looked around,"Shit, how do I tell Sam and Dean.." You muttered.

You ran to the bathroom and wrapped Deans robe around you,"Hopefully he won't mind." You walked to Sam's room and knocked on the door. "Come in." He said, obviously awake. "Sam, it's Y/n. I need help." He opened the door,"Nice try-" He looked at you. You were about his eye level and you had a worried expression printed onto your face. "What the hell.." He looked at you and you responded with,"I guess I was wrong. It wasn't the common cold." You chuckled a bit and he pushed you into his room. "If you really are Y/n, What have I told you that Dean does all the time with your clothes." You smiled,"He puts my shirts in my underwear drawer just so he can look." He widened his eyes,"You really are y/n.."

"Hey Sam, Where's-" "Hey Dean." You waved and he looked at Sam,"Who's this?" "Dean, it's Y/n. The witch turned her into a guy." Dean chuckled a bit and then stopped when he realized you were giving him the bitch face. "Okay, lets get Cas. I'm pretty sure he could help. You can borrow our clothes if you'd like." He motioned to his room then walked off. "Sam, help me with this guy stuff." Sam smiled and nodded, "No problem."

When you went to Dean's room, he helped you pick out shirts, pants, and even underwear. "Here. Try these on." "Wait," He nodded,"Yeah you have a uhm..Just get it on quickly please." He handed them to you and you took them. You walked into the bathroom and hurriedly put them on, walking out. "Do I look okay?" He smiled "Yeah, you look good. Lets go out and see Cas. I'm sure he can help you go back into a girl hopefully."

You walked out of Dean's room with Sam and Cas by Dean,"Hello, erm..Y/n." You smiled and waved at Cas. He returned the wave and went back to discussing something with Dean. Suddenly Dean stood up and walked to your room,"Hey! What are you doing?" You asked, running in after him. "Grabbing something." He rummaged through your top drawer and found a old band shirt your father gave you when he was still alive. One of your favorite shirts. "Dude..What the hell are you doing.." You asked cautiously.

"You like this shirt, right?" You nodded as he held it up. "Well we need it. If you want your boobs back." You hugged your chest and muttered,"Well at leased I don't have periods anymore." He took the shirt and held a candle under it,"Dean, No!" You yelled but it was too late. He was already lighting it on fire. You felt a tear slip down your cheek. Then another, and another until your were sobbing and in a ball on the floor. "Y/n..I know this might seem bad now, but you'll thank us when you have your actual body back." Sam smiled and hugged you. "Thanks Sammy." You hugged him back, wishing that after this is over, him and you could become warm underneath blankets and pillows together.

Then, Dean took your hand and cut a small cut, putting it into a glass container and bringing it back to the bowl with fire underneath it. He poured it in and mixed the strange mixture. "Whats next?" You asked. Cas looked at the list,"True loves kiss." You scoffed,"How do you put that into a bowl?" "No, as Dean says the spell, the true loves kiss helps the effect wear off." He replied. Dean chimed in,"Wait, didn't the witch call you two 'love birds'?" You looked down at your shoes. Dean laughed,"Looks like you're kissing a dude Sammy." He patted his back and you looked at Sam as he looked at you. "It's fine. If you want, I'll be stuck like this. I don't mi-"

You were cut off by Sam's lips crashing onto yours. You felt a tingly sensation run throughout your body and heard Dean's chanting. Your world was spinning around and around. Sam grabbed your now long hair and entailed his fingers in it. "God dammit.." He muttered, making you blush. "S-Sammy." Dean said. Sam continued, still kissing you. "Sammy its over! Get a room or something!" Dean yelled at his brother. To which Sam scooped you up over his shoulders, making the men's trousers and shoes drop, leaving you only in a flannel and underwear. "We already were Dean!" He replied back as he took you to his bedroom.

Dean shook his head,"Those two love birds I swear.."

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