- Chapter 2 : An encounter -

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The escape that had seemed so beneficial earlier was proving increasingly complicated. The rain was chilling Hayato's bones and the wind rushing through his soaking wet jacket, which was far too thin, was making him shiver. His pace was totally out of kilter. At the same time, he'd been running like a maniac for several hours. Out of breath, he stopped at the corner of a wall, his hood still pulled tightly over his head.

Kuso ... Looks like this is turning out to be more complicated than expected ...

He can't feel his fingers and toes any more, the cold is far too intense. He grits his teeth in annoyance, luck really isn't smiling on him. He continues on his way without even knowing where he's going, slowing his pace more and more. He raises his head, squinting up at the moonless sky.

I wonder what time it is and where I am exactly ... I'm tired ...

After a few steps, he stops and leans against a rather narrow space between two walls. He's under a windowsill, the rain is not coming through. He drops into a sitting position. He brings his hands up to his face and blows on them to warm them. Then he brings his knees up to his chest.

- Ouch !

He stops what he's doing and squints, trying to look at his foot. A stabbing pain stopped him in his tracks. He takes off his shoe and tries to see something in the dark street. Luckily, his socks are white.

No blood, it seems. 

It's probably just a blister from walking. He sighs, puts his shoe back on and hugs his knees. He lets his head fall to the side on his crossed arms. He's exhausted but has to resist the urge to sleep. For one thing, he could freeze to death as his body temperature cools at rest; for another, the organisation could turn up at any moment. 

Every sound startled him, every movement, every light. The terror coursing through his veins kept him awake.

- Fuaaah ~ It's been a tiring night. Chases are exhausting ...

He gasped for the umpteenth time and curled up a little more. Someone yawned.

What the ...

He watched in horror as two legs appeared in his field of vision. Two legs clad in black trousers. Black like the favourite colour of those he had fled ... The schoolboy stepped back.

- Hmm ?

The legs that were about to continue their journey stop. They move back and then stop again. Hayato bites the inside of his cheek to prevent any sound escaping. A strange silence descends.

- Oi ! You know I saw you ... exclaims an annoyed female voice.

Hayato, his eyes wide, shakes uncontrollably. It's OK, they've found him, they're going to kill him without mercy or mistreat him so that he doesn't feel the urge to escape again.

- Oi ! Are you listening to me ?

The woman lights a lamp and shines it in the boy's direction. He raises an arm in front of his head, dazzled by the intensity of the light and afraid of being hit. She approaches slowly, in the narrow space between the two walls.

- A schoolboy ? Have you run awa y? Why won't you answer me first ?!

Hayato's eyes gradually became accustomed to the light of the lamp. He saw the annoyed expression of the woman who was talking to him. There was no answer.

- Are you mute ?

The woman notices Hayato's trembling and moves a little closer. She loses her annoyed expression.

- I'm not going to eat you, you know ? ... I'm a policewoman.

Po ... policewoman ... ?

Hayato slowly removes his arm from in front of his face. The policewoman takes the opportunity to observe him from head to toe.

- But ... what's happened to you ?

Her voice lacked the dry intonation she'd adopted earlier. She reaches out to touch Hayato's swollen cheek with her fingertips. The boy quickly pushes her away before rising to step back. The woman now looked at him with a look of incomprehension and pity.

- I'm not going to do anything to you, I just wanted to have a look. You're hurt.

She reaches out again as if to take Hayato's hand.

- Come on, I'll take you to the policing station ...

Hayato's eyes widen a little more. He shakes his head negatively.

- ... Then come to my house, you're soaked from head to toe and you look cold and tired.

His hand is still outstretched. She'll question him later, although she finds it strange that he doesn't want to go to the station. Hayato looks at her, hesitating for a long time. He doesn't really have a choice anyway, and she doesn't look too bad. So he takes small steps towards her without taking her hand.

- Well, are you following me ?

He nods without sound. The woman is surprised that he doesn't want to take her hand, but she doesn't comment. She lowers her hand and sets off, the high-schooler following in her footsteps. Hayato hobbles along, his feet aching. He'd really walked a long way.

Hayato and the woman are both lost in their own thoughts and questions. The schoolboy only realises they have arrived when the policewoman opens the door to his flat. She lets him in, then follows him. She locks the door behind them, takes off her jacket and, with a wave of her hand, invites Hayato into the living room.

The boy took off his shoes and obeyed without batting an eyelid. The policewoman made him sit down, then disappeared from her field of vision, only to reappear a little later with a first-aid kit in her hand and some clean clothes.

- Go and have a shower and get comfortable, you'll catch a cold like that. 

He obeyed again without a word. As he locked himself in the bathroom, a flood of questions poured into his mind. The policewoman certainly seemed nice, but he was used to fake nice people who adopt this air just for the duration of a "mission". He wasn't going to let himself be fooled so easily ...

Was she really going to respect his decision not to go to the police station? Firstly, is she really a policewoman ? Isn't she going to hand him over to the organisation without his knowledge ?

And above all, can he trust her ... ?

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