Y/n:*Slightly nods*

Felix:*Caress her hair*

Y/n:Felix...why did his eyes glow?


Y/n:And how did his eyes glow...is he not a h-human?

Felix:*Sighs*Love,I'll answer all your questions later..for now just keep quiet...hm?*Soft tune*

Y/n:....*Slowly nods*

Felix:*Bites his lips looking away,Mind=How am I supposed to but*....

Minho:*Comes back with a tray of food*There you go,Y/nie*Smiles,places the food infront of her in the bed*

Y/n:*Looks at him,small smile*Thank you,Minho oppa...

Minho:*Smiles,nods then walks away leaving the room*

Y/n:*Picks up the spoon but then her hands starts shaking*

Felix:*Notices it but stays quiet*

Y/n:*Drops the spoon holding her hands tightly*F-Felix...can you feed me?

Felix:*Looks at her*Why?*Small smile*

Y/n:J-Just...I want you to feed me...

Felix:...*Smiles,nods then starts feeding her*

Y/n:*Still trembling*
Y/n:*Sleeping peacefully*

Felix:*Close the door then turns around finding Hyunjin*

Hyunjin:Chan told all of us about to healing...*Low tune*


Hyunjin:Felix...I can't fucking let him go after what he did to Y/n...

Felix:*Looks at him*I'll kill him by my bare hands*Walks away*

Hyunjin:*Watches him leave*...*Opens the door a little peeking inside*


Hyunjin:*Grip on the door knob tightens*...*Tears form in his eyes*I already lost Yeji...I can't imagine loosing you too,Y/n...please...just few more days... you'll be okay*Whispers**Close the door walking away towards his room*

(Few days later)

Y/n:*Walking on the hallway like a dead person lost in her thoughts*...

I'm getting skinnier...
I don't feel ike myself....
I feel dead....
I feel lost ...
What is happening-

Felix:*Grabs her arm pulling her towards him*

Y/n:*Looks at him*

Felix:What the fuck are you doing,Y/n?!

Y/n:*Stares at him without saying anything*

Felix:You nearly fucking died right now!you want to die?!

Y/n:*Looks at where she was going and finds a huge window opened*

If he didn't save me now...
I could have died...

Felix:Are you out of your mind-*Cut off by*

Y/n:*Grabs her head closing her eyes tightly*

Felix:*Holds her arms*Love-*Cut off by*

Y/n:Something is wrong with me,Felix...

Felix:*Freezes,looks at her*

Y/n:*Looks up at him with tears in her eyes*I don't feel like myself this days

Felix:*Stays quite*

Y/n:I feel lost every single day

Felix:*Stares at her*

Y/n:I don't even remember what I ate yesterday-I don't even remember anything!!On top of that im getting Skinner...I..I Feel like one day I'll forget even you-*Cut off by*

Felix:*Hugs her tightly*D-Don't say that*Tears form in his eyes too*

Y/n:*Sobs letting her tears fall*I-I feel like I'll die s-soon,Felix-*Sobs*

Felix:*Caress her hair*N-No...No you won't..you won't,Love....you still need to take care of our kids in the future...you still need to love me until our hair turns white... you're not going anywhere...*A tear escape his eyes*

Y/n:*Cries on Felix's shoulder*

Felix:*Hugs her more tightly*You won't be the only one going through the pain..even I'll go through it... we'll go through it together....that way we'll also share our happiness together... we'll also share our love... forever until we die eventually


Felix:*Letting his tears fall*

Y/n:*Tries to break the hug*

Felix;*Doesn't let her go*S-Stay

Y/n:*Stays still*

Felix:We'll never leave eachother's side...never...*Whispers*

Psycho....||Lee Felix FF||Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz