She really is this slow when it comes to my jokes but yeah i love this girl regardless.

"Nyenye! Drink water okay? I'll see you at home later. Don't overwork, take it easy okay? Lao lak tua na." i said to her.

"Okay ka teerak, take care. See you later. Chan rak ter! " she responded and i ended the call.

I sighed as i took another sip of my wine.

My girl is just starting to get what she deserves and i want to keep it for her.

I always want her to smile and laugh at me like that without getting any worries.


This afternoon i called my lawyer so we can discuss about this matter.

Tommy is also here with us as he is my business partner and my best friend.

"Attorney what can we do about the leaked clip? It must not spread anymore." i said while my lawyer is reviewing it with his assistant.

"We can trace the IP address to get the location and we'll take legal action against the stalker." he said.

"The stalker also threatened me that they will ruin Belle's image more than mine. What if i set a presscon to clear this issue? I can easily admit that the video and pictures are real then announce that we are dating." i told them.

But Tommy gave me a odd look.

"You cannot do that my friend! If you do that those attackers will get mad for sure because they failed and they can harm the both of you." he said.

"Yes Khun Frin he's right. If your main objective is to protect the girl you don't need to step down to their level. First we need to find the stalker and sue them. Speaking over this issue will make more enjoyable for the haters because you fear on it." my lawyer even said.

Well i had thoughts like this too but i am in between of wanting to shut down this rumour and confirm it and also wanting to protect Belle against the backlash after.

"Alright i understand. So now i am leaving it all to you attorney. Move quietly but surely. I want those peeps to be punished by the law. No one should suffer from this, not my girl!" i told them determined and now we're settled.

This matter will be under Stargaze only and shall not spread outside.

"Thank you Khun Frin. I advise you to strengthen your security while on process. We don't know what's on their mind so better do the precautionary measures to assure your safety." my lawyer added.

And like he told, i instructed Tommy to make it effective starting tomorrow especially with Belle who's still in the middle of her movie filming.

In the Evening;

I'm here at a restaurant somewhere to meet P'Fan. We cannot talk at the house so i told her to come over here.

"Phi, someone is stalking us and is threatening me with the video clip they keeping. I had already talked to my lawyer but i also need to tell you this. I need your help." i told her and it's obvious that she has no idea.

"Video clip? What clip? Don't tell me you have sex scandal??? OMG!" she uttered with her eyes wide opened.

"YAAAHHH! Shut up! Not that!" i said as i hit her in her hand.

"It's me and Belle kissing in our house. A stalker filmed us and blackmailed me. They threatening me that they will spread it and ruin our image." i stated.

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