The Hungry Earth - III

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Hollie frowned too as silence grew around them with the exception of the breathing from the people around her.

"It's stopped," Orion stated.

Ambrose then turned around on the spot, a deeply concerning look on her face as her eyes frantically darted around the room. "Where's Elliot? She asked. "Has anyone seen Elliot? Did he come in?" She continued looking around. "Was he in when the door was shut? Who counted him back in? Who saw him last?"

"We did," Orion spoke up, looking to his sisters and then to the Doctor and Hollie who both swallowed hard.

"Where is he?"

"He said he was going to get headphones."

Ambrose turned to the Doctor, anger now in her eyes. "And you let him go? He was out there on his own?"

"He didn't ask for us to come with him," Cassiopeia replied. "He should be back by now.

As if on queue the voice of the boy himself called into the church from the outside. "Mum!" He called from outside the door as he banged on it. "Grandpa Tony! Let me in!"

"Elliot!" Ambrose shouted, running to the door. "Let me in."

"He's out there. Help me!" Tony ran to the door to help his daughter.

"Open the door. Mum!" Elliot continued to bang on the door. "There's something out here."

"Push, Elliot."

"Push, Elliot," Tony added. "Give it a shove."

"Mum. Hurry up." Elliot cried as Orion and Rory grabbed hold of the door too and pulled as hard as they could. "Mum."

A moment later the door opened but there was no boy in sight. "Elliot!" She ran out of the door and looked around. "Where is he?" She ran off into the night in the graveyard. "He was here. He was here." She repeated. "Elliot!"

"Ambrose, don't go running off!" The Doctor ordered. Tony quickly followed after his daughter with Orion, Cassiopeia and Nova quickly behind him.

"No!" They then heard her cry out. Ambrose crouched down on the grass in the graveyard, a large hole with steam rising from the ground, Elliot's headphones lying nearby on the grass. She continued sobbing and then stopped as a green human-sized creature with a grey, mask on its face, black eyes and dark green scales over its head appeared and knocked Ambrose onto her back, the creature jumped on top of her for only a second before it was knocked off her by Tony, the man quickly grabbed Ambrose and pulled her away before he shone his torch at the green creature that made a hissing sound in response to the light.

The green creature then extended its long tongue and attacked Tony who quickly cried out and put a hand to his neck. "Dad!"

Nova gasped as she, Orion and Cassiopeia ran up to Tony and Ambrose as the creature disappeared.

The Doctor ran to the group with Hollie and Rory behind him. "What happened?"

"My dad's hurt."

"Get him into the church now." The Doctor ordered.

"Elliot's gone." She sniffed. They've killed him, haven't they?"

The Doctor shook his head. "I don't think so. They've taken three people when they could've just killed them up here. There's still hope, Ambrose." He reassured. "There is always hope."

"Then why have they taken him?"

"I don't know. I'll find Elliot, I promise. But first I've got to stop this attack. Please, get inside the church."

A Crack in Time [I] (The Rescuers Encomium)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum