Sleep Well Sugar

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Ace runs his fingers through Lili's short brown hair, trying to calm her down.

"You can tell me what's up, but let's get you some water." Ace gets up and grabs his robe for her, "here, sugar, get this on," he helps her get it on and wraps it around her.

Ace holds her hand and they make their way to the kitchen to get Lili a glass of water. The tap runs and Lili stands by Ace trying to calm herself down; her heart had stopped pounding but her hands were still shaking and she still couldn't shake the feeling about her mom. Ace held the glass beside her waiting for her to grab it, so she did and took a few sips.

"Now will you tell me what that was about?" Ace asked with a hint if bluntness.

"I had a night terror..My mom she- she died. I don't think it was just my dream though," uncontrollably tears fall from her eyes, "I think mama is dead.."

Ace puts the glass down on the bench and within seconds of that happening Lili wrapped her arms around his waist, gripping onto him like she'd never let go. Ace tried reassuring her that her mom was okay and was going to beat the cancer- but Lili wouldn't have any of it due to the feeling she had in the pit of her stomach.

"I need to see her- I'm sorry Ace, I gotta go." Lili relieves her grip on him, "Can I use your phone to call a cab?"

"Sugar, you ain't going nowhere at this time."

"You need to let me go se my ma! I can't just go back to bed and wait until morning to see if shes alive or not!" She slightly raises her voice at Ace but still remained quiet because some of the cobras were sleeping next door.

"Hey. Don't you talk to me like that." He takes a step closer, pointed right at her and the tone in his voice became serious.

The way he spoke made her feel intimidated like she would with Wes. That wasn't what Ace wanted but that's what he achieved by speaking the way he did. This showed though in Lili's face when she stepped back from him.

"I'm sorry for the tone Sugar, I'm just worried-"he walks towards her and hold her cheek in his hand, "Let me get a hoodie and I'll drive."

She nods and waits for him in the car for ace to drive her to the hospital.

The ride was pretty silent since it was so early in the morning, they drove through the town and eventually arrived after about 20 minutes due to the streets being quiet at this time.

Lili stormed into the hospital looking distressed snd soon after Ace followed behind. He tried to keep her calm but all he could do was sit back and let her find her mom. He followed her to the receptionist where she asked to go to room 147 ( her mom's room) then got the reply of:

"That patient isn't in that room anymore." The receptionist said, " I can get a doctor to tell the family members the procedure she went through and where she is now."

"I am family! I need to see my mama! Is she okay? Why isn't she in her room?" Lili clenched her fists (not with anger but mostly frustration), "please. Tell me."

The receptionist picks up her phone to page Dr Wilder, very soon after being paged he entered the reception area to take Lili and Ace to his office. Ace insisted on going in with Lili but the doctor advised against it, in the end Ace was told to wait outside. Lili went in the room and almost knew exactly what she was going to be told, she felt her breathing begin to get unsteady again as the doctor let her know the bad news. The doctor went into what had happened during the night, it seemed she had a seizure and her body just shut down all at once, they did all they could but nothing saved her.

Her vision soon became blurred as she told the doctor she needed a minute and walked out of the room to Ace who stood on the wall opposite the door. Lili's walking was wobbly and Ace saw what was going to happen and just before she could hit the ground he caught her.

"DOCTOR! NURSE! ANYONE! Help!" He shouts in the hallway.

Dr Wilder came out immediately, rushing to see what had gotten her to faint (obviously the news but medically he needed to help her). Turned out she had just fainted from the shock and fear. They set Lili up in a room down the hall and Ace sat by her side all morning til she woke up.

Before Lili opened her eyes, she tightened her grip on Aces hand to indicate she was awake, "what happened?" She asked.

"Lili! You're okay, you just fainted Sugar." He holds her hand with both of his.

"My mama.. she's gone. She really is gone isn't she?"Lili starts crying.

"I'm sure she's in a better place now, I'm sure she's okay now. Think about it, she's not in any pain anymore." He tried to shed a bit of light on a bad situation.

Ace kept a hold of her hand with one of his as he paged a doctor to see her. The doctors let them both know that Lili would be discharged within an hour or so and that they just needed to make sure her vitals were okay. The hour went by fast; Lili asked to be taken home when Ace offered her a lift, she just wanted to shower and sleep in her moms bed. Just to have her scent comfort her even for just a night. They made their way to Lili's and no matter how much Ace insisted he wanted to go in with her but Lili kept on disregarding anything he'd say to wanting to go inside with her.

"You sure?" Ace pulls up outside the house.

"I am so grateful for everything you've done for me tonight.. Panic attack and the hospital but I think I just need to be alone right now." She looks him in the eyes and lifts her hand to his neck, "really, thank you. I'll probably talk tomorrow if that's okay."

He knew it was an inappropriate time but the feeling he felt when she touched his neck and looked at him the way he did, it was enough to want more than what he was getting. He closes his eyes for a long blink before he responds.

"Sleep well Sugar, stay safe til I see you tomorrow." He smiles at her.


✏️1137 words

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