10. The God of Mischief

Start from the beginning

Her eyes are shining rightnow , the soft light of sunlight hitting them reminds me of the honey.

Sweet intoxication.

How can you look at someone and start falling for them again and again?

Few days before i was devastated that i would lose her.

But now i know , i would fall for her in each life time. For if i were Icarus and she was the sun, i would still fly to her with my waxen wings. Her beauty would be worth the pain that i would feel to touch her.



Getting out of my daze I see Inayah still standing near the mirror holding the towel in her hand.

Wait wasn't she on me?

"why are you staring at me like that, smiling like a lunatic soo early in the morning?"

What? But wasn't she-

I was dreaming. Again.

What was i expecting? I should have known that i was in a daze from the moment she smiled at me.

"Arhaan?" Inayah said, clearly annoyed by me not responding to her.

"nothing i was just thinking i guess"

"ok weirdo" she said shaking her head before going back to drying her hair.

And like the whipped fool I am , I just layed on the sofa staring at her while she was getting ready.

After drying her hair, Inayah started to wear her jewellery.

And for some reason everything in front of me was in slowmo. Her hair moving slightly from the wind .


where did the wind come from?

It was like a scene you see in those dramatic Bollywood romcom movies. Its just a fact that i know , its not like i actually watch them.


For some reason i was expecting white doves and butterflies to fly around her.

Oh this surely is a dream come true, isn't it?

Inayah , my inayah is standing in front of me. In my room, getting ready. All of her stuff is now on my vanity. Afcourse my stuff is now pushed back in a small corner and her items now dominating the majority of my space. But i don't care. I would never care about that till its her stuff dominating mine.

After finally getting ready Inayah finally looks back at me. And I swear my soul physically aches to touch her by just looking at her. She is soo pretty.
No not pretty ,fucking beautiful, flawless. Calling her pretty would be an insult.

Glaring at me like she usually does she walks towards me.

" Arhaan wake up, i am going downstairs. Get ready and do the same, Aunty is calling us" with that she takes her phone and walks out of the room.

And finally sighing i stand up , walking towards the washroom to get ready for the day. This is one of the best morning i have ever had. And i can't wait to start my morning like this every day.


After getting ready i was going downstairs when i see dhruv walking out of his room.
He looks up and a smirk makes its way on his face.

"bhaiii" he said.

The tone in which he called me, screams that something is going in his pea sized brain, which will not end up good for me.

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