☆ 008 ┊ if you need to be mean

153 13 4


If You Need To Be Mean,
Be Mean To Me



⠀⠀⠀ Fuku kept on hissing at Satoru. He was used to it though. I remember him trying to buy Fuku's affection with cat treats, and small toys, but Fuku simply ignored his presence. Fuku did not even touch the toys he bought, and only played with them once Satoru was out of the door. Yet now they sit together by the opposite edges of my small sofa while I prepare the food Satoru brought over. And by prepare, I mean transfer them from their fancy containers to ceramic plates and bowls.

"Seriously? You got suppon?" I asked when I opened one of the containers, and found the familiar soup. It wasn't that surprising when you think about it — Satoru is raised with a golden spoon after all. "I didn't know fancy restaurants allow take-outs."

"Well, it's not like they can refuse the owner's son." A hint of gloating, but sometimes it's just me and my poverty-stricken ears. Satoru does not hear those things because it's normal to him. "It's the soup you like when I brought you & Shoko there, right?"

Ah, he remembers. I glanced over to his direction. That idiot is playing with Fuku, attempting to pet the poor cat as Fuku bare fangs at him. "Don't do that. You know it stresses him out."

"Ah~ Why are you so mean to me, Fuku-chan? You really take after your owner, huh?" And he pouts at Fuku who seems displeased with the human sharing his comfy sofa.

I unpacked the rest of the food as he continues to whine about my cat. Satoru did not hold back — every dish inside the take-out bag is probably worth more than what I make in a month. I said I didn't like it at first, but now that my stomach is rumbling, everything seems mouth-watering. It's Japanese cuisine in the yuppie-est way possible. Still, a great substitution over what I was planning to eat for dinner tonight.

"Oy, Satoru. Help me with the table." And he stood up which is actually surprising. Satoru went over the kitchen counter, and assisted with setting up the kotatsu for our dinner.

We sat on opposite ends, and silence lingered. What do I say? Satoru does not seem to be bothered by the awkwardness though. He simply sat there, a joyful look on his handsome face as he pick up the chopsticks, and immediately went for a piece of sashimi.

"I have beer on the fridge if you want some."
"No thank you." He replied, eyes not even lifting as he happily takes in his dinner while I freeze here, staring at him with possibly visible question marks lingering above my head.

"Ao-chan, I know I'm handsome, but stop staring at me, and eat." A rush of blood rose to my face as I look away, and picked up the chopsticks in front. I started with the suppon since it's the one he chose for me, and shit it's so good. I only took one sip, and I'm already imagining when I can taste this again. Probably my next life.

We ate in silence. The questions seem to hung in the air, and I'm not entirely sure if I am able to reach for them. I felt myself getting full as I was eating delicious beef, so I stood up to get a can of sapporo premium from the fridge. Half a can of beer later, and I managed to find courage.

"So, why are you here?" I asked as he was busy tricking Fuku to eat the fish he was offering to the fat cat.

"Shoko is in Kyoto right now. She wanted to check up on you." A simple straight-forward answer. This sudden visit does not mean anything. It's for Shoko.

WE, WHO SIN UNDER STARDUSTDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora