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Chapter 2 yo


I tap my pen on my book, staring at the clock. The seconds seem to take forever, the minutes dragging on and on. Mrs. Millership drones on at the front of the class, her dull, monotone voice enough to almost put me to sleep.

Peter, the boy sitting next to me, slides a folded up piece of paper onto my desk. I glance at him, at he gestures to the paper with his head.

I pick the paper up, unfolding it to reveal his chicken scratch writing.

Are you a termite?

I frown, looking up at him. He smirks, taking the paper and hurriedly scribbling on it.

He hands it back to me and I unfold it. He's added something underneath the first line; because I can give you a mouthful of wood.

At first I don't get it.

But then I do.

I turn to Peter, shoving the paper to his chest. "Real funny." I sneer at him.

"I could fuck you so good." He grabs at my thigh harshly.

A gasp escapes my throat, and before I can control myself my hand lashes across his face.

He cups his hand over his cheek, a shocked look on his face. Everyone in the class is now staring.

"Miss Moore!" Mrs. Jan shrieks from the front if the class. "Why on earth are you assaulting Peter?"

Like a deer in the headlights, I freeze up. "He - he was- I -"

"Enough!" She screams. "To the principals office, now!"

With my head handing down and tears gathering in my eyes, I gather up my binder and trudge out of the class.

"Straight to the principals office." Mrs Jan hisses as I pass by. "No detours."

I want to ask her where she thinks I'm going to go, but I keep my mouth shut and leave the room with everyone's stares on my back.

I slouch my way to the office, my feet dragging along the shiny vinyl throughout the halls. I've never been sent to the office before. Sent out of class, maybe. But never this.

I'd only had a few conversations with Peter. He was nice to me. Just asking for pens or a rubber. He's never hit on me.

At the office Mr. Jensen is sitting in his chair, clicking at his computer. I knock and he let's me in.

"I just got an email from Mrs. Jan." He informs me as I sit down, poisoning his fingers into a steeple in front of him. "She says you slapped Mr. Cole."

I gulp and look down, fiddling with my school skirt. "I did."

"That doesn't sound like you, Peaches." This time his voice is sympathetic.

"He was coming onto me, sir. He said some very inappropriate things and made me feel very uncomfortable."

He's silent for a moment, just staring at me. Then he sighs and says. "I'll send you home today with a warning. I hope this doesn't happen agin."

I let out a quiet sigh of relief. "Thank you, sir."

"Do you have anyone you can call that can pick you up?"

I think about it. I can't call mum because she would absolutely slaughter me. Maybe I could call Beau.

"Yes, sir." I answer.

Beau answers and he tells me that he'll be here in ten minutes. After retrieving my bag from my locker I sit out in the office on one of the waiting chairs.

Fifteen minutes pass and Beau still hasn't arrived.

It comes up on half an hour and I'm becoming angry. I'm contemplating walking home by this point.

When forty minutes pass and it starts raining outside I'm pissed.

When beau finally jogs into the office, covered in dark dots from the rain, all I can do is glare at him.

"Hey, Peachy." He grins, trying to pull me in for a hug.

I step away from his arms, glaring at him. "You're late."

He frowns. "I know, I'm sorry. I had to take care of some things."

With a huff I cross my arms. "Let's just go."

As we walk out the doors Beau says "oh, remember Liam? He gave me a lift here."


A black range rover with dark tinted windows is idling outside in the car park. I jump in the back seat and see Liam, already turned around to smirk at me. He looks so gorgeous today, with a white shirt on and black jeans. I can see the his muscles almost bulging out of his jacket, and it makes my mouth water.

"Hello Peaches." He grins.

I blush, looking down. "Hey."

Beau hops in, and Liam shifts around again.

"Let's get going, man." Beau orders.

"Peaches, Liam is going to drop me somewhere and then you at home, ok?"

I frown at the back of his headrest. "Your not coming home?"

"No, I've got things to do."


Beau is never home. Neither is mum. She always works, and Beau, well, I don't know where he is most of the time. The thought of being alone with Liam makes my palms sweaty and my heart race.

When Beau gets out at an unfamiliar house, Liam turns to me. "Wanna get in the front, doll?" He asks.

"Um," I bite my lip, "yes, thank you."

I take my bag and sit up the front. Liam grins at me, pressing his foot on the accelerator.

"How was school?" He asks. "I'm guessing pretty bad since you got sent home."

I nod. "A boy was hassling me."

I see his knuckles turn white around the steering wheel. "D'you get that a lot then?"

"Um, no. Not really." I fiddle with my skirt nervously. "Boys don't really like me."

He reaches over and places his hand on my thigh, the contact making me gasp. "Good."

What? It's good that boys aren't interested in me? I wish they were. I wish I was pretty and voluptuous. Sarah is, and loads of boys like her.

Liam's hand hitches higher, pulling me out of my thoughts. Two of his fingers disappear under my skirt. "You look good in your uniform." He says, his voice close to a purr.

"Oh, um, thank you." My cheeks heat up, adding to the everlasting blush I seem to have around him.

We pull up at my house and I move to get out, but Liam's hand grips my thigh tight, keeping me in place.

"I'll see you later, yeah doll?" He asks, a smirk on his face.

"Yeah." I murmur.


Well then.

Peaches : L.PUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum