Season 4 Chapter 9 : School Festival

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Jiro : Seriously!

Jiro turns around and starts to walk back to her seat while Kaminari was confused as to why Jiro was mad at him.

Kaminari : *confused* Why...?

Rex : You shouldn't worry about it too much.

Kaminari : But why is she so mad...?

Rex : She's less mad than she is embarrassed.


[ Time Skip ]

It was later in the day and all of the Class A students were in their classroom and in their seats while their homeroom teacher, Aizawa, was at the front of the class while slipping into his sleeping bag. In fall, at U.A. High School, the students were preparing for a certain event...

Aizawa :: Um... We're going to have a school festival.

 We're going to have a school festival

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Everyone : *excited* Schooent!

Mineta : School festival!

Sero : It's a super normal school event!

Hagakure : Let's decide what we're gonna do!

Kirishima : *stands up, worried* Mr. Aizawa, is this really okay? To be so carefree in these times?

Kaminari : Kirishima... you've changed.

Kirishima : But it's true— villains are flourishing right now!

Aizawa : You're right. That's a very reasonable opinion. However, U.A. isn't just about the hero course, if the sports festival is the big moment for the hero course, the school festival is for the others— the support course, general studies, and business course students— to shine. It doesn't get as much attention as the sports festival, but for them, it's an event they look forward to. And there are those who are feeling stressed by the current conditions, which, starting with the dorms system, came about because of the hero course.

Kirishima : *sitting back down* Thinking about it that way, there's no excuse for not holding it.

Aizawa : Yeah. That's why we can't just say we won't have it. Unlike past years, this year, other than some of the people involved, the festival will be just for the school. Even if we aren't the focus, each class still needs to participate with something. You need to decide that today...

Aizawa sits down in the corner of the classroom and slowly closes his eyes before falling asleep.

Everyone : ( He's asleep! )

With their homeroom teacher sleeping, the class representative, Tenya Iida, and deputy class representative, Momo Yaoyorozu, step up to the front of the class so they could decide what their class would do for the upcoming school festival.

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