Chapter Five

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"How the fuck did you find me?!"

It was cold outside. The vapour of your warm breath expelled into the night air as you clutched your arms.

The straps of your little red dress gave no respite from the chill. But it didn't seem to matter. You could barely feel much of anything as you stood in the narrow, dumpster lined alley at the back of the club.

"You're cold." He protested, "We can talk about it back inside..."

You blocked the doorway. Fiercely certain that if you went back in there you'd be reprimanded for drink spillages and taking an unauthorised break.

"No, Jake." You replied cautiously. "Who put you up to this?"

He stepped back. Sliding off the suit jacket he'd paired with a tatty old t-shirt you recognised.

"Nobody!" He said, peacefully attempting to slide his jacket over your shoulders. "Just put this on, stop being ridiculous."

You let him come close enough to wrap it around you. Falling victim to the scent of his cologne. Familiar and comforting, it was the scent of nights where you'd laid in his arms. Feeling like nothing else would ever compare.

He caught you closing your eyes as he grazed your collarbone. Taking his opportunity to raise your chin with a single curved finger.

You opened your eyes to greet his desperate gaze. A longing so palpable you could almost taste it in the space between you.

"I thought I'd never see you again."

Tears were gathering in the corner of your eyes. The sound of his voice reducing you to a quiver.

"Jake..." You whispered, "Why are you here?"

He was slowly backing you up against the brick wall. Unable to stop himself. As if the passing of the last three years had elapsed in the moment of a single breath. Time held no meaning as you felt yourself caught between love and reason.

"How could I not come to you? Once I knew you were here? How?!" He asked, bravely pulling down your lower lip with his thumb, watching your mouth fall to his command.

"Fear?" You replied, "I was too scared to come to you. Once I knew you were here."

Your confession didn't seem to ruffle his feathers. He was consumed with trying not to kiss you. An amused curl on his lips as you finally hit the wall.

"Meryn still talks to Garrett, you know? And Garrett is still one of my oldest friends. Don't be angry at her. She just knew I'd need to come to you."

There wasn't a shred of anger in you. Only a strange thankfulness. If the stars needed a push to become aligned, you were ok with it.

"Oh..." You sighed, trying to keep yourself on weak knees as he came closer. "So, she told Garrett and Garrett told you?"

His body was pressed up against yours. Mouth lingering at your earlobe. Hand against your jawline.

"Something like that." He hushed, the words vibrating against your ear. "Fuck, I missed you..."

If he didn't kiss you, the knot in your stomach would never unravel. If he didn't take you then and there you'd never be able to quantify the past three years of celibacy.

He grazed his lips with yours. Lingering softly as you gasped into his partially open mouth. Your heart beating the way it had that night in Garrett's kitchen.

"Jake, please..." You begged in whisper, bringing your arms around his waist. "I missed you every single day..."

He took your touch as his permission. Devouring you. Sinking his mouth against yours in delicious repose. And you were home. You were safe. You knew nothing beyond this kiss could ever reach you.

Swan Upon Leda // Jake KiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now