Colour - Malleus Draconia x reader

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[Y/N] firmly shook her head. "Absolutely not. This painting is meant for Tsunotarou only, and I won't show it to anyone without his consent," she declared. Grim continued to protest, "Don't be so stingy, just show me the painting!" [Y/N] sighed and replied, "Grim, no. This is not something I want to share with you. If you behave and leave my painting alone, I promise to paint something for you in the future."

Grim wore a vexed expression, but couldn't resist adding with a sly grin, "Very well then, I will let this slide, but on one condition - you must paint me wearing a crown, seated above all of my minions! Hehe!" Exhausted by Grim's antics, [Y/N] reluctantly agreed to his demands. As Grim left, [Y/N] turned back to him and warned sternly, "And don't even think about trying to sneak a peek at the painting, Grim. I've already told the ghosts not to let you in."

Grim scoffed and muttered under his breath, "Of course I won't peek, [Y/N]. Don't be so paranoid." But, as expected, [Y/N]'s following days were filled with keeping Grim away from her painting room. Grim, being the sneaky devil that he was, made it challenging for [Y/N] to prevent him from sneaking a peek at the painting.

After days of patiently waiting for the paint to dry, [Y/N] felt a sense of excitement and joy, knowing that the painting was finally ready to be presented to Malleus. She wanted to make this moment special and unforgettable, so she decided to plan a picnic in the garden. With great care, she wrapped the painting in a beautiful cloth, eager to reveal it later that night. As she left her dorm room, she felt a sense of relief as she locked the door, knowing that Grim would not be able to get in.

However, despite her efforts to keep Grim out, [Y/N] underestimated the determined little asshole. Grim managed to create a tiny opening in the ceiling and sneak into the room unnoticed. As he gazed upon the painting in awe, he couldn't help but express his surprise. "I knew [Y/N] liked painting, but who would have known that she was so talented?" he mused, approaching the artwork. "She really sees Tsunotarou as a prince, huh? So cheesy~ Nyahahaha!" But then, in a moment of excitement, Grim made a grave mistake. He reached out and touched the painting, leaving a mark where his paw had been. Grim's face went pale as he realized what he had done.

Grim's forehead glistened with sweat as he exclaimed in distress, "Oh no!" He tried to act nonchalant by insisting that it was just dirt and nothing to worry about. Using his other paw, he attempted to rub off the mark he had left on the painting, but to his horror, it only made things worse. As his anxiety rose, he made every effort to clean the painting, but with each attempt, he only seemed to worsen the damage.

Frantically searching the room for a solution, Grim's eyes landed on the oil paints. "If I can't remove the dirt, I could just paint over it," he thought to himself, confident in his painting abilities "I mean how hard could it be for the boss of the dorm" . Without a second thought, he began brushing strokes of paint onto the canvas. After some time, he stepped back to admire his work and chuckled to himself, "See, it's like nothing ever happened. [Y/N] will never notice the difference, nyahaha!" He covered the painting once more and left the room, leaving no trace of his entry.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the gardens, [Y/N] felt her heart flutter with excitement. She had spent the entire day preparing for this special moment, determined to make it a night to remember. With delicate care, she packed the picnic basket with delectable treats fit for a king, ensuring that each item was lovingly selected with Malleus in mind. As she arranged the tablecloth and utensils, she couldn't help but smile at the thought of sharing this romantic evening with her beloved.

But that was not all. For [Y/N], this night had to be perfect, and she spared no effort in creating an atmosphere that would leave Malleus breathless. She had placed candles all around the picnic area, creating a soft and intimate ambiance that would make the stars themselves envious. And as she cooked the dinner, the enticing aroma wafted through the air, tempting her taste buds and heightening her anticipation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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