German Empire x French Soldier! Reader

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"Alright.." Klaus carefully placed his hand on the woman's chest, checking her heartbeat, surprisingly still beating.

"She's still alive.." He answered.

"Let's take her to one of the medics here! or if not, we can-" Klaus before finishing his sentence, he got cut off.

"Klaus...She's part of the enemies side, we cannot risk it, you know what I mean right?"

"Ja..." Klaus stayed silent for some seconds and then spoke again.

"Then what do we do with her?! you're not that evil to leave a gorgeous woman here to die right??"

"Let's do something so you stay silent, alright??"

"Yes! alright!"

"We will take her with us, but if we get in trouble then it is all your fault, ok?" Hans told Klaus, as Klaus was thinking about it while he had a hand under his chin.

He later made his final decision: "Ok.."

"Are you sure you want to do this??"

"Yes, now take her, quick because there is a high probability of her dying soon!"

Some of the people nodded, they went to carry her and take her right away to check on her current situation.

"Have you heard, Klaus and Hans found a woman in the battlefield and they believe she is still alive"

"What if the woman starts attacking one of us or something bad happens??"

"Well, who knows, but if something happens im-"

"And what are you guys talking about?" The German Empire stood infront of them, which made the 2 people startled.

"Oh! Deutsches Reich! I did not expect you to be hier!"

"Yeah, but I just wanted to check on you people"

"Well, we have to go no-"

"Tell me, what were you saying about a girl earlier?"

They both looked at each other, gulping but remaining calm. "It's nothing important"

"When I say tell me you must tell me, even if it is not important, K?"


I slowly opened my eyes with a painful headache, causing me to place my hand on my head and groan. I looked around the unfamiliar place, I was in bed with a lot of bandages around my head, and near the door infront of a desk, there was a strange figure with his back turned who seemed to be holding a bullet.

"This is how you almost died? most of the people would not survive a headshot, since it causes to have no room for the brain to move and much more" Did he know I was awake??

"........" I stared at him, not really recognising him and having a hard time trying to figure it out.

"Tell me, is this pure luck?" He turned his head around, now looking at me with a serious face.

"........" I was unable to speak because there was a lot of things happening right now.

"Do not understand me? tu veux que je parle Français?"

"Why am I here?! What are you planning to do with me?!"

"It is not me who brought you here, so I do not know why you are here, and I do not have anything planned yet, if you do not behave properly"

Old/empires countryhumans x reader oneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz