"It makes me feel happy"

"I just want you to be the best version of yourself. And i don't think being a singer would be a good way for you to follow"

"What if this is it? I don't know maybe best version is this" Lorelai bites her bottom lip "I just wanna try to have no regrets"

"Sweetheart..." the older woman continues complaining "You know i love you, and i don't think you'd have a future doing- just singing" she admits putting on a red lipstick, not even bothering to look at her daughter

"I'm tired of doing the same things all the time!" Lorelai burst out "I'm living in a loop"

"Lorelai!" her mom shouts, narrowed eyes, but Rory interrupts her

"Mom, I want to do what makes me feel good and I will do it even if you oppose to it, I don't care anymore!"

"Hey! Im your mother and you i forbid you to speak to me this way" Penelope roars, putting her hands on her hips, her face now red from anger, it looks like her nostrils flare
"And, until you live here with me in this house, under my roof, you'll do what i say!"

"That's unfair! You have a moment to ask what i want? No!" Lorelai, breathless with anger mixed at frustration, turns around and walks out. Her dad is not even here.

˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷

"Late again Lorelai?" Mr. Kulkarni greets the girl as she walks through the door, obviously she's late
"Good morning" she fakes a smile, banging her backpack on the desk
"Are you okay?" Ben jolts
"I am" but Lorelai didn't want people to see her like this, or even worst, Ben who might think it's because of him.
"Something is definitely wrong" Ben states as he completely turn his body, facing Rory. She puts her hand on his shoulder and makes him turn again, non answering.

The rest of the day at school was decent, she fell asleep in Shapiro's class and in the last ten minutes she excused herself to the bathroom and stayed there til the end of the class.

˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷

As Ben is walking through the hall, he hears a sniffle. It comes from the girls' bathroom.
Confused, he shuts his eyes close and pokes his head into the bathroom.
"Man entering the girls' bathroom." he advertises

Taylor: "Ben, that'd make you seem a pervert"

"I'm not, like, trying to record you guys peeing or anything."
"Ben?" It's Lorelai "What are you doing here? Get out you perv" one of the last persons she wanted to see, but Ben can hear that she was crying "Lorelai?"

"What's happening?" the boy asks approaching her cautiously of the fact that she could start yelling at him.
Rory cracks the door open. She's sitting on the toilet seat, her mascara running down slightly with the tears that stained her warm face, but there are no hiccups falling from her mouth.

His eyes never leaving hers "I know we're like, not talking to each other, but- i care about you if you're in this state"
She inhales deeply, looking away "It's because of my mom" Rory confesses frustrated

"Do you want to... talk to me about it?" he asks, sitting on the floor encouraging her sit with him.

Lorelai brings a hand to her face to dry some of the tears with her palm "I never got along with her and-and it makes me sad because there are times when i r-really need my mom" she's desperately trying not to sound like a child, but how could she not

His gaze becomes sadder at her words. Ben can relate a bit to what she's saying.

"She thwarts my dreams. We always argue. It's always been like this i-i don't remember when it's started but we comunicate like this" she shakes her head like she's reliving the scenarios in her brain

Ben leans in closer, desperate to comfort the girl who was far more than what she appeared to be. His gaze becomes sadder at her words.
"I hate my mother. Like i love her because she's my mom but i hate her as a person." She swallows the lump in her throat "And...let's just say there is something i really want to do for my future but she doesn't listen to me"

Her eyes swim with tears, she doesn't vent very often and doesn't like to talk about her private things at all but having done it now she feels lighter.

"Okay, hey, listen to me." Ben starts, bringing a hand to the girl's face, gently wiping tears under her eyes "I can imagine what you're talking about. And if i have to be honest, i think your mom doesn't realize what amazing daughter has"

To that the sad girl's gaze softens.

"And by the way you should totally follow your dreams, if there is something that makes you happy you have to go for it, in the end you could say you tried" Ben insists, his presence seeming somehow comforting for Lorelai

Getting out of the toilet, she catches herself in the reflecting glass of the mirror, her red nose from crying was evident but sincerely, last thing to be worried about. Crying was the release she needed to continue the day.

"Thanks Ben" she turns around "You're not the worst, you know that?"
Ben nods his heart swallowing "Oh and about the other day..." he gets up "If it makes you feel better, you can slap me. Lightly."

Before he finishes Rory gives him a playful fist on his arm and smiles slightly.

The story of us ˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ Ben Grossحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن