Chapter Forty-Three

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"Uh-huh," Lindsey motions to both Cielo and Sam. "You both blow into town last week. You don't talk to anybody but each other. You're obviously highly educated. You're like this..."

"Riddle wrapped inside an enigma wrapped inside a taco?" Sam suggests. Cielo giggles, leaning against the counter.

The blonde smacks her lips and nods. "Here's what we play for," she says. "When I win, you buy me dinner and tell me your life story." She makes sure she looks between both Sam and Cielo.

"Sounds fair," Sam agrees.

Lindsey looks at Cielo, who raises her eyebrows and shrugs. "Fine with me."

Sam takes the darts from Lindsey, aiming at the dart board. Cielo already gets butterflies at his concentration, which was kind of stupid but she would never complain. He makes two in the green, giving a guide to the last that goes into the bullseye. "Very misterioso," Lindsey comments.

Cielo doesn't hear the next thing she says when she looks up at the T.V over her head at the news. Hail storms, lightning, and consuming fires. She sighs, looking at Sam, knowing exactly what this meant. "Damn," Hoyt says, turning off the T.V and setting the remote down by Cielo. "Is it me, or does it seem like the end of the world?"

Sam and Cielo exchange looks again, terrified at the actual cause of the storms.


The next day, Cielo and Sam were sitting at the small table in their hotel room, Sam on his laptop and Cielo writing in a journal with a photo of the outside of the bar glued to the corner of the page. Cielo glances up when Sam places his phone by his ear and waits for Bobby to answer. "Hey, Bobby. How you doin'?" Sam greets, gaining Cielo's full attention.

"Put it on speaker," Cielo mouths. Sam does what she asks and she listens carefully to the conversation.

"Well," Bobby answers, "I ain't runnin' any marathons, but... I'll live." Sam chuckles at his response, earning a smile from Cielo. "Where are you two?"

"Uh, Garber, Oklahoma," Sam replies. "I found a town up the road showing some revelation omens."

"What omens?" Bobby asks him.

Sam glances up at Cielo for a second and back at his computer. "Alright, listen to this. 'And upon his rising, there shall be hail and fire mixed with blood,'" he reads.

Cielo shudders a bit, realizing that Lucifer was the cause of all the disasters. "Well, ain't that delightful."

"Yeah," Sam responds to Bobby. "We already got hailstorms and fires. So, I'm guessing blood can't be too far behind."

Bobby stays silent for a second; Cielo stares at the phone in Sam's hand, waiting for his response. "Okay," he finally says.

Cielo's taken aback slightly. "What?"

"There a reason you're calling?"

"Dean or Cielo didn't tell you?" Sam questions, looking at Cielo. She nods at him, her eyebrows furrowed as if saying "I did tell him."

"They told me," Bobby says.

"Yeah, well... so I just thought you might wanna find out who's in the area, put a man on this."

"Okay, let me see if I can think of the best hunters who might be in the immediate vicinity. Oh— that'd be you."

Cielo sighs, putting her palm on her forehead and resting her elbow on the table. "We can't, Bobby," she says.

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt