"I'll do it "

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Jisung woke up the next morning with dried up tears on his cheeks.
It was Saturday so he didn't have any classes which was the opposite for Felix since he had a few online classes to catch up on.

jisung looked at himself in the mirror still wearing the outfit that he used to take pictures for Minho last night making his stomach twist, feeling tears threatening to escape his eyes again.

He took a deep breath and removed the revealing lace before hopping on the shower, unfortunately the shower didn't help, it didn't make him feel better about himself...

Jisung didn't want to open his phone today he wanted to be completely disconnected.

He made his way to the kitchen serving himself a cup of coffee to maybe wake him up a bit.

he turned on the TV having zero motivation to do anything productive today, ever since this new college year he felt like everything went downhill he's just now remember how this career all started.

"Mister han jisung, why are you opening a bank account on that site exactly?.."

"I need money." It was all selfish he just wanted to live better and cover up for all the times he was living with unsupportive parents that threw him out just because of his sexuality "I'm doing it for money"he admitted

he saw a dyed orange head sitting down with a sad look on his face "hey..do you also need money?"

18 year old jisung asked looking at the boy sitting down when their eyes met he recognized his friend that left a long time ago to Australia.

Jisung was taking sips of his coffee staring blankly at the tv until he heard the door unlock seeing his best friend walk inside "I'm back!"

jisung didn't even lift his eyes "oh my my look who is rotting in the living room by himself" felix sat down next to jisung to hug him "what's wrong?"

"Nothing just tired..." Jisung smiled at his friend to not make him worry

"Do you know what you need? a nice little shopping day for yourself not for hannie" Felix smiled widely pulling jisung from the couch

"Do I really have to??" He whined

"Yes yes and yes" felix pushed his best friend back into his room "if you don't get ready in ten, I'll cut your arms and legs off"

"Geez you're actually menacing when you put some effort on it" jisung whined as he started to get ready


they were walking around with bags full of clothing in their hands "see told you it will make you feel better" Felix smiled

"yeah you're right..." jisung smiled before looking straight ahead"oh shit Felix twelve o clock "

jisung tapped his friend's arm before pulling him into the boy's bathroom that was fortunately next to them

"What the fuck sung" Felix yelled quickly calming down when he saw jisung's expression

"I'm sorry okay...I just didn't want to face them"

Felix didn't ask further questions he simply understood by jisung's tone that he wasn't going to tell him what's wrong so he assumed it was because he didn't want them to pick on him once again

after a few minutes both of them heard voices behind the slowly opening door as they both his inside of a stall "shit shit..."

"I know right like why don't you just break up with her already plus her cousin is wayy hotter"hyunjin said as he walked inside the bathroom first followed by chan

"wait her cousin the guy or the girl"
"both" hyunjin smirked

"Guys I'm not gonna break up with her" Minho sighed turning on the water to wash his hands

"by the way did you see hxl sluts latest live hannie didn't seem well for shit" hyunjin said and changbin followed

"You guys are disgusting"
a soft voices agreed with changbin's statement

"I know right" it was Seungmin han and Felix would recognize his sweet voice out of 100

"If you weren't dating changbin you'd find in like a puzzle with hannie and lixie you got the bitch boy body for it, hxlxs triplets" Hyunjin joked high fiving chan

Felix and jisung on the other hand looked at each other widening their eyes "no way" Felix whispered he was so happy for Seungmin since there was a small part where they helped seungmin achieve his goal

"did you guys hear that" chan said turning around

"Yoo there two people in this stall, are you guys fucking or something" Hyunjin yelled as chan was laughing behind him

"look at the way they're standing" chan pointed that their feet "that look like two subs do you guys need help" chan smirked

"Morons" Minho grabbed hyunjin and chan's hair pulling them out of the bathroom

once they finally heard their footsteps fade away Felix and han both got out of the stall giggling"they sound so stupid when they're alone, I'm just glad they didn't catch us" han smiled nodding in agreement

Both of them leaving the bathroom holding each other's hands
"Victoria secret ?"

"Let's go!"

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