The Pendant

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In a dark basement, someone is laying Felix's lifeless body in a coffin. Suddenly, someone with bright crimson hair approached him, "How is it?" Asked the man, "It's ready sir, all that remains is to carry out the ritual," the man replied. The crimson-haired man watched Felix's corpse, "You forgot the pendant," he said feeling something missing from Felix's body. The man was shocked, he swore that he had put Felix's pendant on Felix's body, "I-forgive me, sir, I will immedi—", "No need, I will look for it," said the crimson-haired man and then walked away.

Meanwhile, Lee Know and Jeongin are going around town putting up missing person posters. "How long have you been out of the house?" Lee Know asked when he saw Jeongin already sitting on the sidewalk, Jeongin didn't answer, he just stared at the paper with Felix's face in his hand. "Yang Jeongin," Lee Know called, waking Jeongin from his reverie, Jeongin looked at Lee Know, "Shall we continue?" Asked Lee Know, Jeongin looked at the poster one more time, then nodded. However, before Jeongin stood up, he saw something on the asphalt, his eyes widened after seeing it more clearly, it was a pendant that only Felix had, he was sure of it, he always saw Felix wearing it as an earring.

"Jeongin!" Lee Know called, "Ah, y–yes," Jeongin replied then followed Lee Know, secretly keeping Felix's pendant.


Jeongin was in his room, he looked at Felix's pendant, he was very sure, Felix couldn't just lose his precious pendant, let alone this gift is from Bangchan.

As he was deep in thought, a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. He immediately put the pendant in his desk drawer before the door to his room opened. "Let's have dinner, Jeongin," Lee Know said entering Jeongin's room, "I... am not hungry yet," Jeongin replied, Lee Know looked at his youngest brother, "Okay," Lee Know said stroking Jeongin's head, "I'll bring your portion here , but promise you have to eat it,", Jeongin nodded while trying to smile. Lee Know smiled then left Jeongin's room.

Jeongin took Felix's pendant back. Jeongin then looked at his tightly closed window, with one nod, he grabbed the locket then headed to his window.

At the dining table, all the residents of the mansion have gathered at the dining table. "How's Jeongin?" Bangchan asked seeing Lee Know heading to the dining table, "He's not hungry yet, but I'll set aside his portion," said Lee Know starting to take a plate for Jeongin. "What about Hyunjin and Changbin?" Lee Know asked, "Hyunjin is on his night jogging routine," Han replied, "And Changbin is in his room, he'll be downstairs in a minute," Seungmin replied, "Then I'll set aside Hyunjin's portion too," said Lee Know after wrapping Jeongin's food with plastic wrap.

The StrayKids members started having dinner after Changbin joined them.

After dinner, Lee Know took Jeongin's portion to his room, while the others cleared the table and returned to their activities.

Lee Know knocked on Jeongin's room, no answer. Lee Know sighed and opened Jeongin's door, "You have to stop not answering door knocks...." Lee Know froze for a moment when he saw Jeongin's room was empty and the night breeze was blowing in through the open window. In a panic, Lee Know put Jeongin's food on the table and then headed for the open window, there were some of Jeongin's clothes that were used as ropes to go down to the front yard.

Seeing that, Lee Know immediately returned to the dining room to report it to Bangchan.

"Bangchan!" Called Lee Know panicking while going down the stairs, Bangchan who was heading to the living room immediately looked at Lee Know, "Jeo—" Lee Know's words were cut off when he heard banging on the main door which immediately caught the attention of the residents of the mansion.

The banging getting louder when no one opened it, until Han, who was closest to the door, opened it. Han's eyes immediately widened when he saw the horror in front of him, "Yang Jeongin!" Han shouted seeing Hyunjin carrying Jeongin who was covered in blood and wounds. Han immediately helped Hyunjin carry Jeongin, "Quick, bring him to Seungmin's room!" Bangchan's orders, Seungmin and Changbin immediately tidied up the patient's table in Seungmin's office. Hyunjin and Han laid the unconscious Jeongin down on the table, Seungmin immediately looked for Jeongin's pulse, Come on.... Seungmin's mind tried to calm down, Seungmin's eyes widened when he found Jeongin's pulse, he then put his ear to Jeongin's nose, he was still breathing.

"He's still breathing! Han, Lee Know help me," said Seungmin immediately preparing his equipment assisted by Han and Lee Know, while the remaining three people left the room.

Changbin pulled Bangchan's shoulder while in the hallway, "You see that Chan?! Jeongin is now a victim!" Changbin snapped, "Changbin, calm down," Hyunjin said trying to mediate between the two of them, "No, I'm already annoyed with you Chan, you know Jeongin and Felix have a closer relationship than us with him, but you don't even want to take an action on Felix's disappearance, now see the results! Jeongin is hurt! And if Hyunjin doesn't find him, we could lose our little brother,".

Changbin approached Bangchan, "I'm question your leadership even more now, and if you still don't want to act on this, I'll do it myself," Changbin said, finally walking into his room, leaving Bangchan in silent.

"Are you okay?" Hyunjin asked approaching Bangchan, Bangchan sighed and nodded, "You better clean your body, after that we'll talk about how you found Jeongin," Bangchan replied. Hyunjin saw himself full of sweat and Jeongin's blood, he nodded then went to the bathroom, while Bangchan watched Hyunjin getting away.

The night was getting late, Seungmin had finished covering all of Jeongin's wounds and gave Jeongin an IV, he said that Jeongin would not be conscious for a few days.

Lee Know headed for Bangchan's room, without knocking he opened his bedroom door. Bangchan saw Lee Know at his bedroom door, "You know only me can enter my room, right?" Bangchan asked, looking back at his ipad. "Jeongin is seriously injured, Seungmin said he won't be conscious for the next few days," said Lee Know approaching Bangchan's table. Bangchan widened hearing this, but he calmed down again.

"Alright then, we'll tak—", "No," Lee Know cut Bangchan's sentence, Bangchan looked at Lee Know, actually he was a little surprised when Lee Know cut his sentence, but he let it. "I will take care of him myself, and I forbid anyone from entering the room where Jeongin is being treated without my permission, and that includes you, Chan," said Lee Know in a slightly threatening tone, Bangchan sighed, "Okay then, do you have any more business?" Bangchan asked flatly. Lee Know clenched his fists, he was getting annoyed at Bangchan's attitude, "Yes... you know who the serial killer 'The Red Demon', aren't you?" Lee Know asked propping his hands on Bangchan's table, reducing the distance between their faces, "No, don't tell me you were influenced by Changbin?" Bangchan asked flatly. Hearing that, Lee Know took a deep breath and then exhaled, "No, not at all," replied Lee Know as flat as Bangchan.

Lee Know then left Bangchan, "Don't forget my message," said Lee Know before leaving Bangchan's room. Just a few steps after Lee Know left Bangchan's room, he heard the sound of things slamming and falling from the hallway behind him, Lee Know ignored it and continued walking towards Jeongin's room.

Meanwhile, Han was taking care of Jeongin's damaged clothes and Hyunjin's dirty clothes in the laundry room. As Han was about to put Hyunjin's jogging pants in, he saw something fall out of its pocket, it was Felix's pendant, How did it get here? Han thought, he was suspicious of Hyunjin.

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