No. 1 The lateworker

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5:00 am. 26th of June 2023


A loud blaring sound wakes me up, groaning. I let my alarm blare for a while, when I mean a while its already blared like 200 more times by now. I roll over hugging my pillow trying to fall back asleep. Suddenly, the alarm offs by itself. I am too tired to care about what's happening in the world right now, snuggling my head into the pillow trying to deafen all the cars and motorcycles outside, its no use whatever. 

 My door screeches with a breeze of wind and my stupid alarm overpowering the sound. Which that soft screech somehow manages to jolt me awake. I jumped up from my bed walking towards the door to find it closed. Locked. What a waste of time I huff "Hmmm" I manage to mumble out, must be the wind making those sounds. I mean you can't lock the door from outside unless you have a key. I look around, my eyes shoot my clock. ' 6:50am. . . ' work. I HAVE TO GO TO WORK!! I quickly put on my coat and grab the keys from the table beside the door. I get into my car. The stoplight turns red and I take a sigh, a sigh of relief. Good thing I wore my out clothes to sleep last night.

I arrive to work looking messy. Very messy. "Taylor!" My best friend shouts. "Vinny, hi I'm so sorry I know I'm la-" "Your lucky your best friend your boss." A coworker cuts me off, Vinny staring at me with her eye twitching like crazy, that other stupid Co-worker walking past us. Sweating like crazy I smile nervously scratching my head, red flustered "You're always the late one, you better work hard to make up for all your late days!" Vinny scolds me, I nod looking like an embarrassed tomato. "I'm really sorry I'll do my best today!" "You better." I really do try my best at work, butttt- my sleep schedule is not all that good, I mean... I already have the reputation of 'The Lateworker.'

 I hear more coworkers talking in the distance it was my assigned group for the new interior design we were making, Vinny bought a bunch of lots in this new mountain resort that is easy access to drive to since it's just right beside the city. We were all wondering what the owner was planning with it since it's been bought for a long time now, it wasn't a big mountain but since again it was close to the city it had a pretty good business deal and a pretty good size to start a resort too. It was her specialty well... OUR specialty to make resort houses too. How convenient It was near to my apartment too, so it's really convenient!

 She made the high rank interior group, which is where I am and the high-ranking exterior designers make it since it was a really expensive deal she wanted us to give it our all. Either way, the exterior was already done it was our turn to start the interior before Vinny could declare it for sale... I was thinking of moving out, so I might surprise Vinny and buy this new house, she does give me a pretty good salary, but I doubt I'll be able to buy one before another person bids a higher budget first. I mean a bunch of rich business men and women have already checked the house build and liked it, I wave, 'bye' to Vinny blowing her a kiss too and she rolls her eyes in response, Finally, I make my way to my group. 

  "Hey, guys." I wave to them while walking. "Late again huh? it's already 8:00 am you're supposed to be here since 6:30!" Sidney answers my gesture "Wow what a nice way to greet someone SOOOO early in the morning." "It's not early." Amer buts in. I say while rubbing my eyes. "No biggie! Anyways onto the project we already finished the basement today. By the way, Vinny said the design is 'luxury black some room luxury white' for the whole resort so that means we have to use wooden floors, Anyway, Not fully finished with the basement either, we all know you're the best at touch-ups. So do your thing on the basement decor," Vera literally speaks in paragraphs

"O-okay- but-" Also after we have to work on the guest bathroom and bedroom, Sidney, and I are in charge of the bathroom since you can inquire with the exterior team about the pipe placements also Sidney tell the exterior team to sand the bathroom floors a lot and paint them black and paint the walls white for all the bathrooms, with all the other rooms black walls and the ceilings white for all the rooms aside from bedrooms, bedrooms will be all black walls and black ceilings, all the floors aside from the bathrooms should be smoothed wooden floors not tiled wooden, and they should be medium dark and white brown just not the bathrooms, please? Thanks. I mean you do know a lot of them." Again another paragraph from Vera. Atleast she speaks clearly like a good team leader 

 "What? I don't understa-" Sidney speaks and pulls me out of my thoughts, focus taylor I pinch myself slightly to wake me up. "Either way,  Amer and Taylor you do the guest bedroom. Make it snappy guys we don't have much time and this means a lot to Vinny!"The boss of our group, Vera instructs us.  Everyone stares at each other confused...  especially Sidney "What do I have to tell the exterior team again?" We all gather into pairs of 2 and get to work. Another breeze brushes past me. "Guys turn down the air conditioner it's so cold today I swear." I look out the window to find it raining too, no wonder. 

   In the middle of working on my project, my coworker asks me to airdrop the design of the current guest bedroom design for her. I pull out my... phone? My phone!! It's not here. Oh jeez not again.. I shovel my hand into my pocket and try to act casual with a pale color on my face. "You okay honey?" My main partner in the team, Amer asks. Another breeze passes me. "Yes very fine. Just uhm cold!" I look at the clock and laugh, "Wellllll! Would you look at that! Lunch break." I clear my throat while standing up. "Oh, your right. We'll resume this by 2 pm" Vera my other group partner speaks. "2 hours break enjoy it guys!." Vinny's voice pops into the intercom. Saved by the break, bell, no intercom. No saved from myself.

I walk over to the door labeled "Boss please knock before coming in" I knock* "Delivery." I say with an ugly look on my face. She opens the door frowning as soon as she sees me. I laugh at myself again. I invite myself in and sit on the seat on the seat in front of her table. "Sooo?" "I forgot my phone UGH I have to go back to get it can you come with me?" I put my hands together with my head down frowning. "If you continue to do that position definitely not." She laughs. "Okay! Let's go!" 

I jump up and we hold hands as everyone is already used to us running together out the door.

"That's what happens when your best friend is your boss." I hear that same co-worker, Jake that cut me off in the middle of the morning, they're getting on my nerves I swear.   

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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