Encrypted Souls

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They always warned me that the beginning would be harder than the end. They warned me. Everyone told me that once I had found 'the one' I would be trapped. I would have no other choice but to be a tag-along on a one man journey. I would take one look into his eyes, and know.

Just know.

But this isn't the way that I had imagined it. Not at all.

I was supposed to be the hunter in this story; not the hunted.

You see, we are built to fear love. And we are all brought up with the knowledge that there is only one other person out there for us. Our soul mate. But we aren't encouraged to go out there and find them. No. We are taught to fear the day as if it were the apocalypse.

So when a tall, handsome man shows the tell tale signs that he has found his soul mate, and I'm the one he's looking at - it's only expected that I ran.

And I ran fast.

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