Chapter 14: Obstacle Race (Happy 50k!)

Start from the beginning

Y/n: "Time to thin the competition..."

The gas spreads quickly as the sound of coughing and shrill 'eeks!' die down.

??: "What is this?... Gas?"

??: "Noo! Spiders!"

??: "I wanna go hooooome!"

Present Mic: "Wow! Look at Y/n L/n from class 1A! He's cut down the participants by at least half!"

His voice sounds on the loud speaker, followed quickly by Aizawa who resides with him in the commentary booth.

Aizawa: "And for members of the audience who thinks this is cruel, Y/n has worked day and night to provide enough antidote to Recovery Lady's clinic, all students effected by his quirk will be well looked after."

I smiled as Aizawa defending me, taking me out of the race for a second and almost slipping on the ice created by Todoroki, I manage to catch myself and chase after my class mates.

Todoroki: "I expected it from our class, but... More made it past than I thought would..."

Unexpectedly, Mineta manages to catch up to Todoroki, pursuing by using his quirk as bounce pads.

Mineta: "Good thinking, staying two steps behind Todoroki. Now it's my turn! How about a taste of my killer-"

Mineta is sent hurtling away as the attacker makes itself known

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Mineta is sent hurtling away as the attacker makes itself known.

0-Pointer: "Multiple targets acquired..."

The zero pointers from the entrance exam, the massive behemoths that Midoriya managed to take down.

But this time, there were at least ten standing side-by-side, towering over Todoroki who has currently stopped in his tracks.

Todoroki: "So these are the faux villains they used for everyone else's test?."

Todoroki crouched low, ice forming on his arm and around him, he mumbles something to himself, I caught a few words, the most important being: "Dad is watching." And with that, he swipes his frozen hand upwards, all three robots frozen still, allowing him to run between the legs and onwards.

??: "He stopped them! We can get through that gap!"

Other students began to catch up to us and witnessed Todoroki's act, but this is a race against everyone, I know he wouldn't beat such a obstacle for his opponents.

My thoughts being confirmed and interrupted as Todoroki says:

Todoroki: "Bad idea. I froze them in pretty unstable positions..."

Loud metallic creaking is heard as the ice falls of the robots, the robots begin to tumble and crash down on the path, blocking it and separating Todoroki from the rest of the participants.

Todoroki: "So they'd fall..."

Present Mic: "1A's Todoroki!! Busting through sabotaging the others in one move!! This guy's COLD!! Amazing!! He's way ahead of the pack!! Almost feels... unfair!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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