waking up

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up and I saw a girl walk out of the hotel and got up and saw stu 
was waking up. He got up too and looked around us.

We both sat on the couch and saw Alan try to get up but fell making a bunch of cups fall.

He got back up and walked to the bathroom, he had no pants on for some reason. What did we do last night? I don't remember anything.

I sighed and sat back then jumped back up when Alan made scared noises and ran out the bathroom tripping on Phil on the way.

Phil sat up and looked over "put on some pants." He blocked his view

"No do not go in the bathroom!" Alan told him

"Just calm down and put on some pants."

"There is a tiger in the bathroom!" Alan shouted I looked over at them with tires eyes "what?" I asked

"There's a jungle cat In the bathroom!" Alan yelled

"Okay." Phil looked at Alan trying to calm him down "I'll check it out." He went inside the bathroom and looked over.

But then close the door again. "Oh fuck hes not kidding there's a tiger In the there!" Phil looked at us

"No there isnt" Stu said not believing it

"Yeah! It's big it's gigantic" Alan told him

"I wanna see now" I got up, Alan came with me and I took a quick look in there and closed the door when the tiger looked over.


Alan looked back at them "how did a tiger get in the bathroom? It almost killed me!"

"Hey can you put on some pants? It's a little bit weird that I have to ask twice." Phil said Alan took a towel and just wrapped it around his waist and walked off.

I sat back on the couch with them.

"What the fuck happend last night?" Phil asked.

"Hey guys wait am I missin>g a tooth?" He opened his mouth so we can look then me and Phil started to laugh

Stu make a horrified face and took a mirror in his hands and looked at himself

"Oh my god."

"It's gonna be fine. Alan! Go wake up doug." I yelled to him he started to look around

"Let's just go get some coffee and let's get the fuck out of here." Phil said

"How am I going to tell Melissa? I lost a tooth and I don't know how it happend."

"You're freaking me out man I got a massive headache ok Let's just calm down." Phil told him

"How am I supposed to calm down? look around you" stu replied

"Guys, Doug's not in there." Alan told us

"Did you check all the rooms?" I asked

"Yeah I checked everywhere plus his mattress is gone." He replied.

"Oh whatever he probably went to the pool to get something to eat." Phil said and started to call him.

Stu continued to look at his teeth in the mirror "I look like a nerdy hillbilly."

A phone started ringing which was I assumed Doug's.

Alan searched for it and answered "hello?"

"Alan." Phil said


"It's phil"

"Oh this is Doug's phone." He told everyone

"Yeah." Phil said

Suddenly we heard a baby crying and we all looked at eachother and stu looked at the closet "what the fuck is that."

We opened the closet door and there was a baby inside so

"Who's baby is that?" Phil asked

"Are you sure you didn't see anyone else in the suite?" I looked over at Alan

"Yeah I checked all the rooms, nobody is here. Check it's collar or something." Alan replied

Stu got closer the the baby "Shh its okay." The baby continued crying

"Stu we don't have time for this Let's just go look for Doug and get to the baby later." Phil told him

"Phil, we're not going to leave a baby in this room there's literally a tiger in the bathroom." I explained

"That's not our baby"

"I'm going to stick with y/n on this one." Alan said

"Fine we'll take him with us just find some pants" Phil said and walked to get ready.

Time skip to after the elevator and eating breakfast

We were waiting for the car

"So are you sure your qualified to taking care of that baby?" Stu asked Alan

"What are you talking about I've found a baby before?" Alan replied

"You found a baby once?" I looked over at him.


"Where?" Stu asked

"Coffee bean"

Stu got confused "wait... what?"

Phil walked up to us reading something

"Hey Phil I don't think Doug would want us to take a Mercedes" Alan turned to him

"Relax we'll be careful."

"I mean my dad's crazy about this car and he left Doug in charge-"

"Alan! We have bigger problems Doug could be in the hospital he could be hurt, okay? Let's worry about the car later."

"Uh guys check it out." Stu pointed and we all looked that direction

"Is that the mattress from Doug's room?" I asked

Phil went up to somebody "Hey what's going on?" He pointed towards the mattress

"Some asshole threw his bed out the window last night. Some guys just can't handle Vegas." The stranger said then went in his car

Suddenly a cop car stopped infront of us and we all looked over as someone came out

"Here's your car officers."

"Okay everybody act cool don't say a word. We all walked towards the car and got in.

I was in the backseat with Alan and the baby which sat in the middle of us.

Time skip to the hospital.

(Thanks for reading this. Chow will be In the next episode :)  )

Words: 962

The Hangover: Mr. Chow X Reader Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt