Xvenia's POV

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The hallways felt so familiar… it's been a long time since Xvenia went to real school again. It gave her flashbacks.. She had entered the school. She looked around for the principal's office. She found that there was another student, he was a boy. The boy looked at her "Hi Xeni" was he talking to me… ? Who is he talking to..? She wondered to herself, Xvenia looked around the principal's office oh wait! He's talking to me!? my mother told me that it's rude not to respond to other people "Uh.. Hiyya!" Oh my gosh what the heck was that.. !? Xvenia blushed out of embarrassment "Your really funny" the boy laughed, something about his laugh made Xvenia's heart want to explode "Oh uh.. th-thank y-you" she mumbled. While they waited for the principal to come they talked everything was good until… one of student walked by with the principal. The principal and the student walked into the office "Hello I been expecting you two to be here I don't think you would be here so early though" The principal smiled "Here are your guys schedule oh I forgot to mention this is Enia! " No no no no no no no this was a joke right..? It was all a figment of Xenia's imagination. Wake up Xvenia your just dreaming "Enia meet Xvenia and Xeni" Enia was in shock. She grinned "HEy XveNiA!" she said in an annoying tone. She screamed in Xvenia's ear ".... " she didn't respond UGH she wanted to punch Enia in the face again she took deep breaths trying to calm herself down. Enia didn't make it easy though she kept annoying Xvenia asking the stupidest questions. Xvenia clenched her fist and BAMM! Hit Enia right in the nose.. The principal grabbed Xvenia's wrist and wrote a detention note "Detention after school don't forget" They said as they handed it to Xvenia before pushing her out of the principal office. The principal slammed the door in the face Xeni was behind her "Hey are you okay what happened in there? " Xeni asked "None of your business! " she yelled as she stormed off. Enia ran after her Xeni follow Enia "Soo how does it feel to be in detention again..? " "Enia if you want to be able to speak then you better keep your  mouth shut before I closed it permanently" "Aww.. someone mad if you hit me your get in trowble awgin" "Shut up! " "Stop it Enia you need to stop winding her up" "Ugh whatever" Enia rolled her eyes as she walked away "Hey uh… if it's not too personal can I ask you how do you know her? " Xvenia's face darkened "Didn't I tell you to stop getting into my business just leave me alone! " Xvenia ran off.. The morning seemed to drag on forever…finally the day ended she just wanted to go home then she remembered that she got detention. UGH this day sucks, wait I will just skip it. Xvenia skipped detention even though the principal has told her not to. She went home, scrolling through her computer. She heard the keys jingling when her mother was home!  Her mother was talking on the phone to someone. Then she went to Xvenia's bedroom. She kicked down the door and stormed in furiously. Her mom looked like a tornado hit her. Her hair was all messy, her clothes were stained and her makeup looked like a 1-year old drew onto her face. She was a wreck, she had fire in her eyes, she looked like a bull ready to charge right at her "Xvenia I got a phone call from the principal saying that you skipped  detention!" Xvenia rolled her eyes "So what by way you're paying for the damage you did to my door! " "We can worry about the door later. It's your first day already and you're breaking the rules again!? " "Can you just go now" Xevnia said as she pointed toward the.. well.. uh.. outside of the living room since her door got kicked down anyways her mom had took hed phone and told her "No more parties, no more hanging out with friends I'm tired of this happening again and again until you actually learn something I'm sending you away to J. B's house your living there and taking classes there too since I tried to warn you about conquense of your actions. And you won't taking them sincerely I'm at the end of the line I gave you many chances it's clear to me that you don't want to listen so your be living there for the rest of your life, I'll stop by once and while, so pack your bags cause your leaving. You can scream, shout as much as you want. I'm not gonna change my mind" That's how my new life started…. The next day a black limousine came roaring down the street. Outside of our small apartment. I told mom this was unfair I asked if I could go say goodbye she allowed too me. I went to one of my friend's house I knew she was having a sleepover. They asked me why I had my suitcases and was sad. I explained to them that I was living with J. B.  All the girls immediately ran over towards me. They told me they wanted a video, pictures that I needed to send to them about how my life was going. I agreed they cheered and gave me parting gifts. I know even if I wasn't moving out of the country. It was a really big change in my life and I probably was never going to see my friends ever again. We exchanged our goodbyes I went back to my mom who kept checking her watch, "Finally your back you took forever to return now hurry up get in the limousine" Xvenia got into the limousine her mom walk back towards the apartment. Her home she had fights with her mom constantly.. she felt free no more controlling mom who always told her what to do and what not to do. Xvenia fell asleep in the limousine. One of the assistant woke her up "Wake up I was informed by your mom that you're her daughter Xvenia who's a troublemaker, your going to be working for J. B. while also having private lessons at private school come along I'm sure you already met Mr. Brion" "Yes.. I'm familiar with him.. " I mumbled the mentioning of Mr. Brion the same guy that my mother had chosen for me to become his servant. "You are not going to work for him. Instead you're going to work for his son J. B. "  "Wait.. what!?" It seemed like endless rooms finally we ended at a room at the end of the hallway. The sign readed "J.B's room: Do not disturb! " The assistant knocked onto the door. The door opened "I see she's the new maid huh you're kind of shorter then all the other maids… " he whispered under his breath. I pretend not to hear him say that how dare he called me short!? I was still growing so ofc I wouldn't be tall like all the other maids! J. B took me into his room it was huge. He showed me my room I was very excited until… I met her.. Anstha for some reason she glared at me. It seemed like she didn't like me.. I wondered why.. It was so weird as I became older I realized that actually hated me like as if was rival. I was constantly being targeted by her she was jealous. She didn't stopped she kept on trying to ruin my chances and wanted me to get fired. Soon eventually the word got our that I was rivals with Anstha.  Which wasn't true at all. No one believed me although in my past life I learned that getting revenge wasn't a good time. All the maids keep pressuring me about it. I got fed up told them to back off and leave me alone that there was no way I was going to do that to Anstha. I kept on taking lessons in my private school. There was two new students in the school. One was a girl and the other was a boy as I was sitting in my seat. I realized that boy looked so familiar he reminded me of someone.  Wait… could it be him.. the boy from my old school… ?  I haven't seen him in years… I still remember how I embarrassed myself gosh that was so stupid of me to do that honestly I really hope he won't  recognize me if he did I would have wanted to die. The teacher kept on talking while the two new students sat down. Once class was over, I went back to the castle here's how my day would go: I get up, get changed, help with the cleaning, go to school, spend some time with the new kid, Get into Anstha trouble, be punished, Then go to sleep. And do it all over again.

5#A Crinkle in Time: Bound by blue strings Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora