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Jakob was looking around the plane, seeing who was after them. The kids were being quiet, sitting nicely and not asking questions. JJ had Kookie on her lap, redoing his clothes to straighten them out. Jakob looked over at the kids, seeing B fidgeting in his seat. "B, you okay?" B looked at Jakob, shaking his head. "Tried gum? Gum helps."

"I don't like planes."

"If it's the height, that's gonna be an issue." Jakob commented. Little B shook his head. JJ looked over at B, seeing his nervousness. She remembered mamá saying that B wasn't okay with planes, not even toy planes. JJ never understood what they were talking about. "You know, I used to be scared of cars. After my dad died, I guess I blamed myself. It was tough. I had panic attacks, the whole bit. Heck, I took the bus." B gave Jakob a look, shocked to hear that. "Yeah. I think I was just so worried about makin' mistakes and not being as good as my brother."


"Uh, excuse me. Have you met your dad? He casts a pretty big shadow." Jakob said. JJ gave Jakob a smile as B chuckled. "Feeling better?" Jakob asked once he saw that B wasn't fidgeting like before.


"Good. Me too." Jakob saw the flight attendant walking by with the snack cart. He put down the tray in front of him. The flight attendant put down what Jakob ordered onto it. There were three bottles of some kind of clear liquid that JJ didn't know and a key?

JJ looked back at Jakob. "Do you know her?" She questioned as Jakob pocketed the key and the three bottles of clear liquid.

"Yeah, it's good to have friends in high places." Jakob looked at the kids. "On the count of three, we're gonna get up and go to the bathroom. Ready?" JJ and B nodded their heads. "Three." JJ removed the seat belt around her waist before getting up. She grabbed B's hand, getting in front of Jakob. She held onto Kookie, walking towards the bathroom.

As soon as they turned, Jakob had the kids stand off to the side. Jakob turned, keeping his back to the kids as he slammed his fist into somebody's face. JJ hid behind B, peering around him as Jakob beat up the three men that were after them.

B and JJ stood there, watching Jakob beat the shit out of those guys before shoving each of them into the bathroom. He closed the curtain to the back of the plane before getting the kids down into the cargo hold.

"Who were those guys?" B asked.

"Agency. They found us. Now let's lose our tail." Jakob said. JJ snuggled Kookie to her chest, watching Jakob as he removed the binds to whatever he was previously carrying through the airport earlier. He then started to attach stuff to it, turning on the controls and attaching the glass.

"Holy shi-"

"Wait!" Jakob placed his hands over JJ's ears. She looked at him with a confused look. "Swearing is for song lyrics only and stubbed toes. And not in front of six-year-olds." Jakob explained.

JJ pushed Jakob's hands off her ears. "Mamá swears in Spanish all the time. I even know fuc-"

Jakob placed his hand over JJ's mouth. "Forget it, okay?" JJ crossed her arms. "Pay attention." Jakob dropped his hand from JJ's mouth. "We're-we're too high to glide, so we need thrust, which means, uh, combustion, which means...?" JJ and B shrugged. "Oxygen and fuel." Jakob moved away from where JJ was standing to where the engine was. He pulled out the small bottles from his pocket. "Alcohol."

"Oh!" B ran off as Jakob removed the caps from the alcohol bottles to fuel the small plane-like thing. B came back with a larger bottle, holding it up.

"That's rosé. Not gonna work." JJ made a face. "Long story," Jakob said quickly. "But good initiative." Jakob got the kids into the plane. He had JJ on his lap considering it was only a two-sider. JJ sat on his lap, strapped in. "I'm glas it wasn't the height." Jakob called out to B in front of them. "Enjoy the ride."

Dreamin' || Han Lue [returns 2026]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें