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Knock, knock, knock.

"This is the New York Police Department. Please, open the door." One of the policemen called out.

Afina mustered up the courage to speak out. "Uh, one moment!" Her voice shook, rushing to the nearest kitchen drawer and tossing the butcher knife into it, and slamming it closed. Afina tucked her hair behind her ears, adjusted her shirt, and unlocked the door. She breathed out and opened it up to reveal the two tall officers. "Hello, officers," She greeted them. "What can I do for you?"

"Is your name Afina Baird?" One of them asked with his hands on his prop-heavy belt.

Afina is shaking in her shoes. "Yes, it is. Is everything okay?"

"We hope." The other officer says to her. "Your neighbor next door has gone off the radar. Regina Dixon. Have you seen her at all?"

Afina sighed in relief, leaning against the doorframe, happy to know the police are not here to arrest her or question her about Damien. Regina Dixon is about Afina's age and she had a habit of going out late and hardly returning back to her apartment. This time, it sounds serious since she hasn't been seen in a while. "Regina? No, I haven't seen her. I've been working so much, I don't really see her at all."

The officers nodded, understanding where Afina was coming from. "Well, thank you for your time, miss. If you have any ideas of her whereabouts, please give the stationhouse a call."

"N-No problem." She said, watching the officers leave her apartment. Afina shuts the door gently and breathed out. At least she doesn't have to worry about the police or Damien.

The next day, after work Afina rushed home to shower and found herself staring at her reflection in the bathroom as she curled her hair and placed a few natural splotches of makeup on her cheeks, lips, and eyelids. She told herself that this was not a date with Casey Jones but if she wanted to remain a very well hygienic friend then she needed to look somewhat decent through his eyes.

She looks at herself in the mirror and critiques the artwork that she has done on her face. She hasn't put makeup on like this in ages and the last time she could recall it was when she was with Damien. That man always made her feel worthless and less of a person. He basically treated her like she was a robot.

But today, she was not going to think about him and she was going to have a great time with a friend of hers. From what she understands, Casey is supposed to be taking her out for lunch or some coffee and chatting about things that are not so important. Perhaps they'll talk about what kind of dogs they like, what their old dream job was, or where they want to travel before they die.

Afina had to admit, For a friend date, she was a little bit overdressed and felt nervous. This cream-colored dress and black leggings were making her rethink her feelings toward this young man. Does she like Casey Jones? Her head is probably trying to convince her she does when she really doesn't. There's no way she could like Casey because she has only known him a month and doesn't even know where he comes from, doesn't know his age, and doesn't know what he does for work. Well, maybe this would be a good time to get to know him anyway.

As soon as she finished getting ready, she left her apartment to walk outside and found Mr. Jones dressed in casual wear. He wore a dark leather jacket, a white T-Shirt underneath, and some dark jeans with a pair of black shoes.

Afina-Jade walks down the steps with her purse on her shoulder and a coat for later in case it got chilly. "Well, I feel very overdressed..." She said to him.

Casey chuckled. "You look great for a 'not-a-date' day."

"Oh, please." She nudges him, beginning to walk the sidewalk together. "We are friends, true! But I felt it was the right thing to dress nice."

ℂ𝕠𝕓𝕒𝕝𝕥 & ℂ𝕣𝕚𝕞𝕤𝕠𝕟 ❪✘❫ 𝑁𝑂𝑇 𝐶𝑂𝑀𝑃𝐿𝐸𝑇𝐸𝐷حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن