2nd year of Senior High School (The last year of High School)

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       Can't believe it, vacation is now over. Time to get back into business. Final year of high school, time went by fast, and I never knew I'd be at this point already. The past few months without school have been a moment of healing and self-love. Healing those restless days last year which have deteriorated my whole life. Maybe, this last year could give me the love I had been dreaming about. See, up until now, I haven't found love. I don't know, maybe it's not yet time, but let's see, maybe God will be in my favor.

       Setting goals, higher than before. Making my dreams come true. Tried out for journalism, reached the top of the charts in academics, all is going well. But, then the thing I dreamt of happened; there is a special someone who is willing to take the risk to pursue me. You could say it was straight out of the books, especially when you're the type to keep yourself hidden most of the time. At this point, I excelled more than I ever knew, inspired? Probably. Especially, when the type of guy is also a person who cares about academics (is this setting the standards high?). This guy is really different, willing to pursue my family alongside pursuing me; truly a dream that I wouldn't want to wake up.

       This is really it, the high school dream I have longing for. Coming to the year-end of school, I have never been happier. Everything went well for me, in terms of academics, love, and rather life in general. I've reached the point where I could truly keep on moving forward. Life has been greater than ever; this person completed a part of me that has been empty. We aren't even officially together, we are still at that point of courting, but already made me feel special than ever. This part of life is really one for the books that is a chapter I'll surely cherish.

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