Chapter One

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PROMPT - Andy overhears Vic and Theo's fight & his conversation with Kate

Chapter One

Andy and the rest of Station 19 were coming back from a call and when they went out of the trucks Andy called out,

"Luientent Ruiz! What the hell was that?" Andy paused, walking closer to Theo. "You do not get to question me like that in the field."

"You're one to talk. You constantly questioned and went against my orders when I was acting captain."

"Ruiz. You were out of line and if you hadn't gone against my orders there wouldn't have been any injuries." Andy told him, starting to show how angry she was.

"You're such a fucking hypocrite Herrera. You don't exactly follow the rules."

"You're right Ruiz. In the past, I haven't always followed the rules but now I am. And now I am your captain. You will follow the rules I set in place. I have no place on my team for firefighters that don't listen and don't treat everyone the way they deserve." Andy told Ruiz.

"What the hell are you talking about? I've never done anything to you."

Andy chuckles. "Maybe not to me, but to Hughes? Oh, you've hurt her."

"What would you know about it, Herrera?" Ruiz gets a fire in his eyes that Andy hasn't seen before.

"Oh, I don't know. "She just doesn't support me" Isn't that what you said to Kate at the ball by the bar?" Andy looked at him, watching his facial expression turn guilty.

"Okay, I don't know what you heard, but it was probably out of context." Theo tried to defend.

"The thing about being shocked about being named captain? You don't know what to say so you hide away, staying away from everyone until you can bring yourself out of the state of shock to talk to someone. After Hughes announced that I was captain of 19 to the group, I needed some space to be alone since it was overwhelming and hearing it aloud just made it so surreal so I just wanted to be alone."

"Where are you going with this, Herrera?" Ruiz asked, clearly annoyed.

"I was near the dance floor the whole time you were talking to Vic and then Kate." Andy watched his expression change. "Yeah, that's right, I heard the conversations that you had with Hughes and Powell," Andy smirked at Ruiz looking worried. "What was it that you said to Powell again? "It's like talking to a brick wall" and "She just doesn't support me." referencing Hughes. All she has done is support you, Ruiz. She fucking helped make you captain by turning that car around. We all have supported you so you don't get to go accusing us or Vic that we don't." Andy said, starting to raise her voice.

"Oh my god, Herrera. Just stop it already. The whole house doesn't need to hear this." Theo looks around at all the shocked faces, his gaze landed on Vic's betrayed-looking face while Andy just continues her rant.

"Also, do you not remember what you said to me when I told you I was being named captain? "You and her have a thing. And we all know that's her thing. Chief quid pro quo." and the fact you said I was fighting for Ross so she fought for me to be captain and that I was playing games? That's absolute bullshit, Ruiz. I deserve this position. I have for years and everyone knows that"

"Are you just going to bring all past mistakes up right now?"

"It has to do with a decision I need to make, so yes."

"What decision? Another shitty one? You do know that you can't keep acting all innocent right? You know at the car wash that husband would have never been injured if you just waited for us to get the backup generator shut off."

"Yeah, I know. That was a mistake but if we didn't move the wife wouldn't have lived. She had a brain bleed, Ruiz. If we waited a minute longer she wouldn't have made it to the hospital."

"Oh stop acting like saving a life is all that matters from that call-"

Andy had enough "THAT'S ENOUGH!"

Everyone in the barn was shocked at the tone they heard from their newly named captain, having never heard it before.

"Ruiz, you're on desk duty until I say otherwise." Andy watches as Ruiz storms out of the room. "Hughes, meet me in my office. Everyone else, restock and clean the rigs. After that, I need the bathrooms and showers spotless. Understood?" Andy heard everyone in the barn say "understood" before she walked out of the barn, placing her turnouts in the ladder truck before walking to her office, passing Theo as she walked through reception.

Andy walked into her office, told Vic to sit down and then went behind her desk, grabbing it, trying to get her breathing under control. Vic just looked down at her hands, waiting for her captain to speak.

"Vic," Vic looks up, surprised at the use of her first name, "I have one question and I need you to answer honestly."

Vic looks surprised. "Okay? What is it?"

Andy looks at her, not knowing if her friend will yell at her for this. "I need to know if you can work with him."


I don't know if people like the fact that I'm posting so much but writing seems to be my favourite thing to do right now.

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