chapter 1

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Your pov:

You wake up by your alarm and the sun shining at you past the curtains on the window. You grumble as you turn off your alarm and get up. As soon as you try to get up, you feel an arm pull back into bed. "Can we stay for a little bit longer." grumbled your lovely husband, Miguel. "Sorry, hun, but Gaby might be awake already," you reply. When you're finished saying that, you hear your door slam open.

"MOM DAD, WAKE UP. IT'S TIME FOR BREAKFAST!!" she yells. "Ok, ok, my little soccer player, let's get ready" You give her a sleepy smile. You pick her up are bring her into the restroom. Both of you brush your teeth. Wash your face, and brush your hair; when you guys are done, you change into your day outfit. Gabriella rushes downstairs as you notice that Miguel is now here to be found.

You go back into your bedroom to find Miguel soundly sleeping while hugging a pillow. You giggle and take out your phone to take a picture of him. When done taking the picture, you wake him up. "Hun, get up. Gaby is waiting downstairs for us." "mmm" he growls "Fine" He gets up and goes into the restroom to get ready. You go downstairs to find Gabriella watching star-wars.  "What you watching?" you asking while brushing her hair. "star-wars" "Really whos your favorite superhero?" "Obi-wan" she says. "but my favorite superhero of all time is spider-women."  she exclames, "Oh why is that" "because she is real and she is so cool, when I grow up I want to be just like her" "Well if you want to be a superhero you have to eat your breakfast" you get up and go into the kitchen.

"Gaby, what do you want to eat?" you ask as you are washing your hands. "Ummm, pancakes." "Ok, pancakes coming right up" While making the pancake, you feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist and a head resting on your shoulder. "Morning, sleeping head" you say, "What are you making?" Miguel mumbles into your shoulder. "Pancakes" "Lovely," he says smiling at you. "How about you set up the table and play with Gaby until I'm done with the food," you say "Yes ma'am" he says as salute to you. You giggle at his action "ok, get on moving soldier". 

Wiping the counter down you call Miguel and Gabriella for breakfast. "You two come over here, food is ready!" Gabriella ran over to you can sit at the table. "Baby. Where's your father?" you ask as she starts to giggle "Nothing". "Ok," saying suspiciously, "Miguel time for breakfast!" Miguel came into the dining room with his hair tied up with different accessories and some makeup and ink on his face. "oh, Gaby, what have you done to your poor father." "I made him pretty, doesn't he look pretty mommy," she says with stars in her eyes hope you will say yes. "Yes, he looks very pretty" "He looks like a beautiful princess," you say while kissing him. "EWW," Gaby gags. You and Miguel laugh at her reaction."Ok, enough of this. You need to start eating until the food gets cold." you tell. "Ok, mum," Gabriella starts chomping on her food, and you start eating too. You notice that Miguel hasn't started eating yet; you also notice that he is deep in thought. "Honey, are you ok?"

"Oh, I'm fine; I am just thinking how lucky I am that I have such a lovely daughter and a beautiful wife," he says, smiling with much love. "I am lucky too to have a wonderful daughter and a very handsome husband" You move your hand closer to his and intertwine your finger with his. "I love you very much, you know that, right?" you say. "And do you know how much I love you, cariño." 

"I don't . You should show me," you say as you to get gradually closer and closer. Until Gaby slams are plate down onto the table. "DONE!" she exclaims, "Can I watch tv now?" she asks. "Sure, sweety just make sure to put away your plate in to sink," he says. As you two watch her go into the kitchen, Miguel starts to talk. "Man, she kind of ruined the vibe," he groans. "True" 

"Stop sulking around; we have some errands to do today." you scold him. "Ok, let me change into something more appropriate" You look at the outfit that he is wearing. He is wearing some sweatpants and slippers. "I wouldn't mind you going out like that," you flirt. "Oh really, so you are ok that other people can see my body," he shoots back at you. You pretend to think about what he said, "Yeah, but then they can see something that they will never have." you two have a staring contest until you say, " But you should wear a shirt thought."

He laughs and you start laughing afterward. "Ok, anything for you, cariño" he kisses you on the forehead. 

After running all of the errands, you guys get home and its around night time. "Gaby time to go to bed" Gabriella starts to groan "Can I stay up a little long please" she begs. "Ok only for 10 more minutes and after ten minutes you will brush your teeth, change into your pjs, and get into bed. No excuses, you got it" 

"Yes mom, love you" she says. "Love you more" you reply. You watch her run off into the living room to watch tv. "Baby I am going to go out for a little bit I will be back soon, ok?" Miguel say as putting his shoes back on. "OK, just be careful, love you" you kiss him. "Love you, cariño" He walks out the door.

You do the dishes and put them away. You realise that it has been 10 minutes, "Gaby, time for bed!" you hear groan and the tv turning off. "Ok, mom""Wheres dad?" she asks. "Oh he went out for a little bit, he will be back soon." "Now get upstairs" you told her in a stern voice. "Ok" she skips up the stairs and goes to brush her teeth and change into her pjs. When she was done she went to her room and saw you waiting for her. "All ready for bed" " Yes mum" she replies. "OK love you gaby." "love you too" you kiss her on the cheek. "Night, sweet dreams Gabriella" you say "Night mom" you close the door and go down stairs.

You hear the door open and hear keys rustling. "Hi hun, how was your walk?" you ask in the living room. "Hun?" You sense that something is wrong. "Yes" he replies. "Honey, are you ok you seem different?" 

"Im fine just tired." he says, you wrap your arms around his neck. You feel him stiffin up from your touch. "Let's go to bed" you say. You two go up into your bedroom and brush your teeth. You both go into your closet and you start putting on your pjs. You notice that Miguel is not changing. "Why aren't you changing yet?" you question. "Oh yeah sorry about that" he starts that take off his shirt. You see that there are scars that where never there before. You don't want to ask him about it right now. Once you both were done changing you slide into bed.  You skoot closer to him and cuddle. You look up at him at look at his lips. You move closer until your lips are touching. You look to see his eye widened, he looks like he is hesitating but soon melts into the kiss. You move away from him and start to fall asleep. "Love you" you whisper, "Love you" he pauses for a little. "cariño"


author's note:

DONE finally, this is my first book ever so I hope you enjoyed the first part because there are more to come. 


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