Chapter 2: Another World

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Chapter Summary

009 had predicted a lot of things about her future. Getting captured by the Lab again? Yes. Getting sent into another world? No. The lack of Lab agents was a blessing. The downside? Now she has to look out for beastmen.

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty & the Beasts or any of the Beast World webcomics/novels. I also do not own the images used in this story. 


Well........this was unexpected.

009 had just been on the streets of Wolverhampton, on her way to get some donuts, when she turned around and nearly smacked right into a tree.

A gigantic tree. In a forest full of gigantic trees and clean air.

Pollution-free air.

It did not take long for her to quickly deduce that she'd been transported into another world. The alien plants and bigger-than-normal trees were a huge hint. She didn't know how this happened. Her first thought was the Lab, but after no agents bombarding her or surprise attacks, she discarded the thought (for now).

009 next thought was that it might have been another person whose transportation abilities either lost control or targeted her specifically for some reason. Revenge, maybe? 009 had killed a lot people (mostly the Lab agents). Maybe it was a relative?

While 009 had had first initially thought she'd been transported into a secluded forest on Earth, the idea had come crashing down after witnessing a passing group of leopards transform into men and back.

They had loin cloths and furs for covers, stripes on their bodies and animal traits such as ears or tails when in "human" form. 009, after enhancing her hearing and keeping hidden, had also heard them talking about their females, cubs and mating marks. Most of them shared the same female.

Transforming animals? Females? Cubs? Mates?

Due to her near perfect memory, 009 quickly recalled an old webtoon she'd read once when boredom got to her. It had been advertised on nearly every website she'd seen. While not recalling the exact name of the webcomic, she remembered that it had something to do with beastmen, reverse harems, mating and an annoying female protagonist.

The were other 'Beast World' stories with nearly the same plot, if she recalled correctly.

Either way - this was the last thing she expected to happen.

Before the leopard beastmen left her sight, she'd caught the name "Parker" when addressing each other.

009 remembered this guy. He was the annoying leopard beastman who found the female protagonist in the beginning. Some Chinese girl, I think.

Having no interest in romance, mating or even friendship, 009 plans to do what she does best.


She'll miss her siblings (006 and 008), but to live without the constant worry about the Lab and her recapture? She'll take it. The beastmen would probably be a problem, with their obsession with females, mating, beauty etc. She could shapeshift into an ugly, old woman to deter them but it won't last for long. Maintaining a different form for too long was beyond her ability.

Besides, 009 could finally be free! Free of the Lab and free to be herself - including keeping her original appearance. Thirsty beastmen be damned.

She made a quick plan:

1) Find shelter

2) Keep away from beastmen

3) Keep away from the female protagonist

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