Part 2

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Azriel had intended to drop off Elain at the house and leave, but he found himself following her inside and to the dining room.

Nesta was sat at the head of the table, with Amren and Emerie at either side, and Gwyneth beside Emerie. Gwyn had a book in her hand that she was showing to a half interested Amren, while Emerie and Nesta were talking. The two's voices overlapped, but Azriel caught the basis of the conversation, and couldn't help his mouth curve that the two females were talking about training, when they were supposed to be there to talk about Nesta's mating ceremony.

Amren was the only one who seemed to notice as Azriel and Elain walked into the room and her lips curved slightly. He knew what she was thinking. While Rhys had been the one to catch him kissing Elain that night, and Azriel knew Rhys wouldn't have told anyone about it, Amren obviously knew there was something between him and Elain; she seemed to love tormenting him about it.

He felt Elain stiffen at his side, and could sense her apprehension.

"Elain?" His voice was quiet; even though they hadn't been noticed yet, he didn't want to bring attention to them until she was ready.

"I don't know why I'm nervous."

He had an idea, and it was nothing to do with the new dynamic she had with Nesta, of recent.

"Elain," he began, lowering his voice even further, "I'm going to see Cassian. Then - after this - I'm taking you somewhere."

She blinked, opened her mouth to speak, but he didn't give her the chance.

"And you're going to tell me everything."


"Don't," he cut her off.

He wouldn't take any of this anymore. The distance; not knowing what was going on in her life; not being able to help her; the uncertainty of her powers.

"Everything?" She asked.


Her shoulders straightened and she brought her hands to her hips. He watched the frustration grow in her eyes. The brown irises seeming to almost glow with that resistance. He felt her retort coming - he wanted it - but before she could gift him a taste of that unfiltered emotion, Nesta's voice cut through the tension between them.

"Elain, Az," she said. Nesta's gaze flicked between them and lingered back to her sister. Her brows furrowed. "Elain, are you okay?"

Elain straightened and brushed stray dirt off her trousers. "Yes. Sorry I'm late."

Nesta waved her off. "Never mind. There's a seat next to Amren. I can have the house bring you more food."

Gwyn smiled at Elain. "We tried to leave some but it was too good."

Elain laughed. "Don't worry, I ate before I came."

Azriel felt like questioning it. He knew Elain's patterns by now. She didn't like to eat early in the morning and preferred a coffee or fruit as soon as she woke; he doubted she had changed that habit for today and ate before tending to her garden. She just didn't want to be a trouble, that was why she was turning down food.

He noted to bring her something when he came back to get her.


Amren's voice snapped him away from his thoughts.

"Are you planning on standing there all day." She smirked.

"We wouldn't mind something pretty to look at," Nesta teased.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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