What's the
plan for

You and
Harlow were
supposed to
figure that out

You know
damn well
that wasn't

Y'all need to
put your
feelings aside
and focus.

This isn't about
y'all right now
it's about your
best friends who
are having your

I mean yeah
but like what
she did was
fucked up.

I understand that
but y'all are going
to have to talk
eventually. You're
planning a party
for fuck's sake.

So? I don't
even need help
for real

Do you know what
Lilian wants?



We're still taking
Atticus and Rylee?

Are they going
to miss anything

No. I didn't
plan anything
because I knew
I wasn't going to
be there

That's up to you
and Harlow then.
I don't see why
y'all would want to
though. The babies
are their siblings

I totally forgot
about that. I guess
we'll leave them. Ok
I gotta go be a teacher

Have fun!

I'm not sure how I forgot about the babies being the kids siblings. We wanted the kids to be included but kids can't really keep surprises.

"Miss Black," Esme said, "My mom said to call her whenever you get the chance. She said it's very important."

"I will call your mom tomorrow, Esme. Thank you." I gave her a smile.

Without another word, she came over to me and gave me a tight hug. Does she know something I don't?

Atticus began walking up to my desk for the second time this morning. His folder was already in the bin so I wasn't completely sure what he wanted.

"Salem," he whispered, "Can I talk to you outside? It's really important."

"Sure. Everyone, give me a couple minutes!"

I followed the seven year old outside and waited for him to began speaking.

"JJ told me and Halo what happened between you and Harlow. I'm sorry she was being a slut." He frowned.

My heart actually skipped five beats. Why the hell would JJ say that to them. They're little kids! They shouldn't know what that word meant. And poor Halo.

"JJ told you that?" I asked him.

I'm in shock.

"Yeah," he nodded, "Me and Halo."

Oh my god.

"Can you go get my phone?"

He ran back into the room and returned a few seconds later.

"Thank you. Go take a seat."

Once he left I made a quick phone call to Lilian. She didn't answer the first time but picked up the second time.

Outgoing call to 'Lil Ian'

Salem, is everything okay?


What's wrong?

I was checking folders and Atticus came up to me and asked if he could speak to me outside. Said it was important. We went out into the hallway and he said "JJ told me what happened' then he said he's sorry Harlow was being a slut. When I say my heart stopped I mean it.

He said what?

He said-

I heard you; don't repeat it. What the fuck? Why would he say that to those kids? Is Halo okay?

I don't think so. She's not as talkative as she usually is.

Fuck! I'm going give JJ a call then I'll call you back- no, I'll text you. I'm gonna send Fin to pick them up. I don't want them at school with that information in their possession.

Okay. I'll let them know. Is there anything you want me to do?

Please, im begging you, plan the gender reveal with Harlow. You don't have to talk about your feelings just yet but please plan the party.

I'll do that. Alright I gotta go. I'll be waiting on your text.

I'll talk to you soon.

Bye bye

Call ended.

Fin arrived at the school fifteen minutes later. I got the text from Lilian five minutes after Halo and Atticus were gone. JJ's denying the allegations. It's evident he's lying because out of my short time period of knowing Atticus, I learned he isn't capable of lying. Plus, this isn't something a seven year old could lie about.

They didn't know what 'slut' meant so somebody (Jason) had to teach it to them.

What the fuck is going on this week?

1232 words

A/n: JJ is wild for that. Anyways we are nearing the end of this book. I'm thinking there's like six chapters left, including the epilogue. Lilian and Raven aren't going finish their pregnancies but their babies will have been born before the epilogue takes place. I love how chaotic this book is!

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