Chapter 4 Then I lost it all

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I had heard enough so I just run straight back up to my room and finished packing as much of my stuff as I could fit into my small suitcase and backpack when my dad comes back up. "What are you doing sweetheart, and what was Jackson on about downstairs?" He asks me as he sits next to me.

"Well about 2 years ago, back when I was good friends with Lilith she asked me if I wanted to meet Andy and Jackson, at the time Andy and Lilith were married and Jackson was single, but when we all met, me and Andy hit it off straight away, I wasn't even interested in Jackson, but Lilith was determined to get me and Jackson together, but from the moment I saw Jackson I knew there was something off about him but i just couldn't put my finger on it, but when I saw Andy, I knew I was in love, my heart skipped a beat I even forgot Jackson and Lilith were there, it was like me and Andy were the only people standing there. Anyway fast forward to about 3 months ago, Jasmine surprised me with a black veil brides concert and VIP passes for my birthday, only when I got there Andy didn't recognise me, so I decided to walk away with Jasmine and asked Jackson if he could go get me a drink so I could talk to Jasmine privately , so when he left I  explained everything to jasmine, that's when Andy came up to us just as I had finished telling her everything, we spoke for a few seconds but then he just looked at me like I was a complete stranger, anyway fast forward about an hour I found Jackson making out with Lilith only I didn't notice it was Lilith straight away, so I ran and hid where no one would find me, however just as I was away to run from the concert completely I ran into Andy, and that's when he took me by surprise by taking me on stage and dedicating my all time favourite black veil brides song knives and pens to me however it wasn't until that moment I spotted that it was actually Lilith and Jackson making out, so once the song was over he took me off stage and went back on to finish the set but once that was over Andy took me the bands tour bus where we got to talking when out of nowhere he just kissed me and asked me to go on tour with him and the guys, but I just wasn't quite ready for that yet, so fast forward to like 3 weeks ago, Andy was on his way to see me, at least that's what jasmine had told me, I then quickly came to the realisation that it was Jackson who had run Andy off of the road causing him to crash his car, and now he doesn't even remember who I am, the last thing he remembers is being married to that psycho bitch" I say in floods of tears.

He then just pulls me into a big hug and reassuringly says "Shhhh, it'll be okay honey, don't worry he will remember everything in time" He then quickly notices I've packed my small suitcase and backpack.
"Where are you going to go sweetheart?" He asks quietly and worriedly. I just quietly answer "I'm going to go stay with jasmine for a little while, just until I get back on my feet, but please don't tell mom, she'll just try and drag me back home, promise me you won't tell her? "He just looks at me and nods his head before saying "take all the time you need but just make sure to go out through the back door so mom doesn't see you okay" I nod my head, give my dad a kiss on the cheek and grab my things, I then quietly sneak out through the back door, I quickly make it to my car trying not to get caught by my mom. I quickly get in and throw my stuff on the passenger seat, I then quickly start driving to Jasmines house, when I pulled up she was already waiting for me outside, I parked my car in her driveway, Once I had turned off my car I got my stuff and got out and almost immediately she pulls me into a big hug as I explain what happened and she couldn't believe what she was hearing and just said "is your mom really that blind to not see right through his bullshit, ugh I'm so sorry babe but don't worry everything will be okay".

About 3 weeks go by and me and Jasmine are talking the night away and are trying to come up with a plan to try and help Andy get his memory back.

"So how exactly are we going help him?" I ask confused, she then makes a possible suggestion, "Well it might not be easy, but how about we try and recreate the moment you met, except without them two.
"That would have been a great idea, except for the fact that he doesn't remember either of us so it's not like he's going to agree to it" I sigh while looking at my phone which has a photo of Andy as my background "Hey girl, it'll be okay, I still have his number all we can do is ask, what's the worst that can happen, if he says no then we'll just come up with another plan" She suggests. I grudgingly nod my head in agreement, I can't see this actually working since he doesn't actually remember who either of are, and it's not like he's going to meet up with two complete strangers.

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