Chapter 2031-2045

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Chapter 2032 - For so many years, you have been deceiving and using me!
Seeing Na Tu come out, Ming Qi and the twelfth prince were all stunned.

Under Ming Qi's eyes, a bright panic flashed.

Natu approached him, her face full of suspicion.

She has always felt that Ming Qi has something to hide from her, starting from Ming Qi looking for Gu Nuoer in private alone.

Just now Natu saw that Naruki was called out by the twelfth prince.

She was even more puzzled.

I didn't expect to hear such a conversation when I came out.

Mingqi's jawline tightened slightly: "It's not like this, His Royal Highness Twelve, he misunderstood, everything is a coincidence." The

twelfth prince wrinkled his brows and wanted to say something, but worried about Na Tu's presence, he did not continue to speak.

After all, he just wanted to get his younger brother Thirteen back, but he didn't want to affect Thirteen's relationship with Natu.

However, the doubt in Natu's eyes deepened layer by layer.

"Naruki, but you never eat peanuts."

She said faintly.

The two of them have been together for many years and know each other's habits well.

Naruki's breath froze.

Seeing his reaction, Natu was even more convinced of the speculation in her heart.

Her voice trembled, tinged with amazement and anger.

"You lied to me?

That's what you've been hiding from me, right?

Ming Qi, you are actually the thirteenth prince of the Great Qi Kingdom.

Naruki stretched out his hand and wanted to hold her wrist: "I'll explain this matter to you alone in a moment."

Natu shook him off.

Her eyes were red and her emotions were intense: "You say it now!" The

twelfth prince regretted it a little at this time.

It was he who was too impulsive and only wanted to find Naruki for confirmation, but forgot to take care of his situation.

The twelfth prince spoke, trying to play the circle: "This matter may be my misunderstanding, let's sit in the hall and talk slowly."

Natu blushed and looked at him coldly.

Her tone was categorical: "No, just make it clear here."

Natu looked at Naruki and couldn't help but laugh: "Do you dare to do it, don't you dare to say it?" Naruki's

long eyes were dark, glowing with deeply complex emotions.

He looked at Natu for a long time, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Do you really want to know?"

Natu nodded, her tone trembling, and her eyes were cold warning: "And I advise you not to lie to me and tell the truth."

Naruki closed his eyes.

He took a deep breath and lowered his head, "You guessed right, I'm Gu Ziya." Hearing

his admission, the anger in Natu's eyes was even worse.

Naruki confessed the reason for staying by her side for so many years.

He didn't hold back, he gave it all.

At the end, Naruki said in a low voice, "Believe it or not, Natu, I never wanted to hurt you.

However, Natu reached out and slapped Naruki in the face with a "snap".

Sharp and decisive.


The twelfth prince stepped forward to block it, but was stopped by Ming Qi raising his hand.

Naruki's eyes were thick as ink, as if there was a kind of pathos, and he looked at Natu.

And Na Tu wanted to control her emotions well, but she couldn't stop shaking and crying.

She looked at Naruki angrily and disappointed, her voice full of crying: "Do you know that from the moment you lied to me, you were already hurting me?"

Naruki said in a low voice, "I'm sorry. Na

Tu's heart was stuffy, and it hurt terribly!

She tugged at her collar, laughing self-deprecatingly, weeping, and stepping back.

"What's the use of saying you're sorry?

It turns out that for so many years, you have been deceiving and using me!

"You were proud when you saw me with affection, weren't you?

I fell into your trap, and I had to hang out with you to get the antidote!

"I thought you were my salvation, but in your eyes, I might just be a joke, right?"

Chapter 2033 The princess finally broke with this face!

Naruki stepped forward and was eager to explain: "Natu, I didn't mean that.

Natu suddenly scolded angrily: "Don't lean over!" You make me feel sick! The

Janissaries passing by around couldn't help but stop when they heard the noise.

The twelfth prince immediately waved his hand: "All retreat!" No need to come over.

Na Tu laughed maniacally with tears: "No wonder I haven't had poisonous hair recently, it turns out that you pity me and gave me the antidote."

"So every time I express my liking to you, you can turn a blind eye, Naruki, you must think I'm ridiculous."

"A pawn manipulated by you, who dares to say love.

When you are done using it, you will simply throw me away.

Naruki wrinkled his eyebrows, changing his previous composure: "Believe it or not, since I came to you, I haven't done anything against you."

"The antidote did not exist at the beginning, I begged my father to send someone to find and develop it, and I also want your body to return to normal."

Na Tuha laughed: "Is it?

So I have to thank you?

"Now think about it, when we were surrounded by wolves, you let me go first, not for fear that I would die."

"You want to take this opportunity to escape, right?"

When Natu said this, tears poured down her eyes.

She had a smile on her face, but her eyes were so mocking.

Like a leopard covered in scales, his emerald-like eyes were full of tears!

Naruki was speechless.

This is a fact, he will not quibble.

But it was also true that he wanted Natu to live.

When Natu saw his reaction, her heart was even sadder.

That last bit of trust and dependence on Naruki fell apart.

She seemed to be a little out of breath, covering the position of her heart, gulping for breath and vomiting.

Naruki stepped forward: "What's wrong with you, I'll show you."

"Don't come over!"

Natu shrill roared.

She stood up slowly, wiping the tears from her face with the back of her hand.

Natu's eyes became extremely hateful.

"Naruki, you'd better start praying that I will lose to Akimitsu and not succeed to the throne.

Otherwise, once I become the queen of the Western Regions, I will break the net with Daqi.

"You guys have calculated that I have been fighting back for so long, right?"

After speaking, Na Tu turned around and entered the Guangling Palace.

She called out loudly: "Akel! Pack your things, we will leave the Qi country now. Acker

, the envoy who had just heard the argument, stood in the distance, not knowing what was happening.

Hearing this, he hurriedly stepped forward: "Yes, princess, that minister will go and ask Mingqi Gongzi to help pack your bags."

Natu stared at him with red eyes: "There is no Naruki, we will go by ourselves."

Aker's face was startled.

He turned his head to look outside the Guangling Palace.

Naruki's long figure stood there, looking at Natu with extremely sad eyes.

Aker rolled his eyes.

It seems that the princess has finally broken with this face!

He was happy and quickly went to pack his bags.

The twelfth prince stood beside Naruki with a guilty look on his face.

"Thirteenth brother, I'm sorry, this time it was me who was impulsive and ruined the relationship between you and Natu."

Naruki looked at Natu's back, and he smiled bitterly.

"Don't blame you, she should have known for a long time, it was I who didn't confess and lied to her for so long."

After speaking, Ming Qi turned around: "Brother Twelve, if you are really sorry, I have one thing I want to ask you for help." The

twelfth prince hurriedly bowed his head: "You said, I will definitely do my best."

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