Chapter 21: As Far as Excuses Go, That's a Pretty Good One

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I started wondering if I would even notice when he was done, but that question was answered a few seconds later, and oh my did I know. Suddenly, one moment I was simply staring at and counting the titles on the ceiling, and the next, it felt like an entire dam had broken in my head. It is like I could physically feel so many things click back into place as everything rushed back to its correct places in my head, and it gave me a killer headache.

Loki quickly broke the connection as we both doubled over onto the floor, breathing heavily like we just ran a marathon and were trying to catch our breath.

I am clutching my head, trying to soothe the throbbing in it. When I can finally hear my thoughts over the pounding headache I instantly freeze and go stiff.


Loki quickly looks up, eyes fearful, but also hopeful that it worked. "What?! What's wrong?"

"Mother visited me in my dreams every night and she never said a damn thing!!"

His eyes go even wider and his brows furrow. "Wait, Sigyn? She-"

I interrupt him, outraged. "Yeah! And she never said anything about this! Never even hinted at it! I thought she was just some random lady that showed up in my dreams!"

A massive grin breaks out on Dad's face. "So you remember?"

I look at him and smile slightly as I nod. Although, when I try to shift through the dam that broke, there is not much that I can place, definitely not enough to cover the 26 years worth from before I got to the orphanage and my memories start, which at the time I only appeared to be about 14 since Asgardian aging works differently. All that I can seem to make out are a few small distinct memories. However, even though there are just a handful of moments that I can remember, it is enough to see that Loki is most definitely not lying. I had a life before this, and it was one filled with love and family, something I always longed for but thought I would never have, now it turns out that I always did have it, I just didn't know it.

The few memories that I am able to remember cause happy tears to begin pooling in my eyes. They are small moments, whether it was me, father, and mother sitting at the dining table, on one of our morning walks that I knew was a regular occurrence, all of us messing around outside when we were supposed to be training, or when father would simply hide away with me in a dark corner where he would read to me for hours on end.

I smile, overjoyed, but I want to remember more, I want to remember more of the life that I had before, the one that I now know I miss so much. I try to dig through all the chaos in my mind, but I can't grasp onto anything else, it all slips through my fingers, seeming blank and forgotten. I search harder, but my head only pounds more.

"Oh shit."

"What's wrong?!" Loki asks while quickly rushing to my side, clearly, his parental instincts came back very quickly.

"I'm fine, I just have a killer headache now. I- I can't remember a lot though, only a little bit. Why can't I remember everything? I really want to." I say while clutching my head.

"It seems... that someone must have placed some type of spell to block your memories and make you appear more human, but it was very rushed. Everything was barely holding itself together. It is most likely struggling to all come back because it was so hurried. Do not try to remember everything all at once. It will hopefully come eventually, just take your time."

I nod while still cradling my head. After several moments of silence, I look back up toward Father. A big grin spreads across my face, but it also hold a sadness behind it.

"I really missed you." My eyes are slightly glassy as tears threaten to pool. "I mean for most of that time I was busy not remembering that you even existed- but even then I really missed you, even without knowing it."

Yep, definitely Loki's kid.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat