"And here I thought you just came here to see little old me." Rory joked as she tilted her head a little before she bit the inside of her cheek in regret as a small rush of embarrassment crept up inside her as she thought she seemed a little too obvious in her attempts at flirting with him.

Rory guessed she felt a little more brave now that she was out of the firehouse and didn't have to worry about making a fool of herself in front of any of the guys. She'd never live that down if they caught her trying to flirt with Otis.

"Well, that too." Otis added quietly, unaware that he'd just made Rory's heart do a somersault in her chest. He knew he shouldn't be flirting with her or potentially leading her on, given his decision to try and get over the crush he'd quickly developed on her as he still believed she deserved someone better than him. But he just couldn't help it, not when she looked as pretty as she did right now.

Otis wouldn't lie and say the only reason he went to the bakery was for something sweet as that was not at all the reason. No, the reason he'd fought with himself outside for twenty minutes was because he saw Rory's smiling face through the window and desperately wanted to see her, despite his better judgement.

Although even if he didn't leave with a pastry or two, he'd still get something sweet when he spoke to Rory as she was literally as sweet as they come.

"I thought you couldn't even bake boxed brownies, what are you doing working in a bakery? Even if it does have your name on the sign." Otis asked curiously as he walked slowly behind Rory, following her towards the counter where she set her tray down on the back counter with a gentle clatter.

"Ah, you'll find that I stay well away from the back when I can help it." She chuckled lightly, subtly wiping her hands on her apron as not only where they a little sticky from the glaze and whatnot of things, but they'd also gotten a little sweaty when she realised Otis had flirted back at her.

Or had she imagined that he did? Rory wasn't too sure what Otis was feeling towards her as there was still a lingering tension between the two of them over how he'd treated her in the beginning.

Not so much from Rory herself, as she'd forgiven him for all of it and had quickly put it behind her as she didn't like to dwell on the past. But it was more so from Otis, who Rory could tell was holding back a little when it came to talking to her or even being around her, which is honestly why it came as a surprise to see him standing in front of her right now.

But Rory wouldn't lie and say she hadn't spent the entire morning hoping and praying that Otis would show up at some point during the day. After all, why do you think she'd made more of an effort with her appearance than she usually did for her bakery helping days?

Normally she'd just clip her hair up lazily with one of her many themed claw clips and be done with it, not even bothering with make-up either as she often ended up covered in flour. But today she'd went all out on her hair and make-up in hopes that it would impress Otis had he shown up. And by the look on his face when he first saw her through the window, it had worked.

Only Rory didn't get to see that look as Otis had quickly composed himself before entering the shop, so she wouldn't get to find out if her efforts had worked.

"So, what can I get you?" Rory asked around a deep breath, one she'd desperately needed to take as the smile Otis had given her in response to her last comment almost had her weak at the knees. "Actually, let me guess... Cream puff?"

"You know me so well." Otis said softly with a never fading smile, feeling his heart hammer against his chest. Honestly, had this been a cartoon you probably would have been able to see his heart pound out of his chest.

City of Smoke // Brian 'Otis' Zvonecek ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora