"Look, Gur--Sir Guren! I have a reason why I did not go to school today. Now, if you would kindly shut your mouth and listen to me, I'll explain." Said Yuu, who was now adding the chicken meat on the hot, boiling pot of soup.

"Then explain it to me."

Yuu sighs. "Mika has a cold. I stayed here to help him. Is that good enough for you?"

"Oh my~ Mika has a cold? You should really take good care of your prince, Yuu. It's alright. Take your time. Guren here just misses yo-- ouch!"

"Shut up, Ferid! Go away and do your own job! Stop listening to what we're saying!"

Yuu flinches upon hearing a loud smack in the other line. But he does not have to be surprised about that. Guren's hot headedness is often caused by Ferid or Shinya.

The raven sighs one more time. "I'm gonna hang-up now, Gure--Sir Guren. I'm... uhh... a little busy." He hungs-up without even waiting for his professor's reply.
"Well would you like at that!"

Satisfied with his cooking skills, he starts complimenting himself, calling himself a 'Chef' and realizing that Mika should be the Chef, so he settles with the title of Mika's 'Sous-chef'. The chef's assistant.

He carries the bowl of soup towards his best friend's room, smiling as he do so. He opens the door slowly and was greeted by a warm smile by the blond.

"Here's your soup, Mika. I hope you like it." Yuu says. He sat on the chair beside Mika's bed, still carrying the soup on his hands.

"I will like it, Yuu-chan. I'm excited to taste it." Said the blond.

Mika reaches for the soup but he was halted by the raven. This left a confused look on his face. "Yuu...chan?"

Yuu sighs, and the other boy have noticed. The raven just had an idea and he is willing to do it. "I'll f-feed you this time, Mika. You're sick."

The other boy, even though it wasn't obvious, was flustered a bit. "I-I can't let you do that, Yuu-chan. I can lift the bowl myself and I can lift the spoon well. You don't have to feed me."

Yuu definitely insisted. A little argument was made but then again, the raven boy won. Mika doesn't have the strength to argue with him, so he let him win.

Without further ado, our raven boy scoops a half-spoon of soup from the bowl, then he cools it off by blowing it. He then lifts it up to Mika's mouth.

Mika opens his mouth, receiving the spoonful of soup gladly as Yuu hums in delight when Mika finally tasted the soup he made.

Excited to know Mika's thought about his soup, he leans in closer to the blond with a huge grin on his face. "Well?" He asks. "How do you like it? Is it good?"

It's too salty... That's what Mika thinks. But he doesn't want to hurt his friend's feelings. "Uhh... it's a little... salty..." he says, giving the raven a smile. He formed a gesture with his index and his thumb, indicating the level of saltiness.

The huge grin was now gone, Yuu was a bit embarrassed. He admits that he did not taste the soup before bringing it to his best friend. But at least it was just a little salty right? So it isn't very bad... right?

"Uhm... Do...Do you still want to continue eating it? I mean, if you don't like how it tastes, we can always make a call and--"

What Mika did made Yuu cut his sentence. The blond boy reached out to hold the raven's wrist, using his friend's hand to scoop more of the salty soup. Yuu stared in awe as his friend eats it again, he then felt that maybe Mika might be doing this out of pity. He stops Mika by halting his hand.

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