"I don't know why are you frustrated at such a level, but baby, we cops we aren't bad people. And we do help people, ninety five per cent of us help people," Aaron spoke as he cupped Krysten's face, trying to make her understand.

"I didn't think about cops the way I think right now," Krysten spoke. "Six years ago, I blindly believed that cops are our superheroes who would help us whenever in need and we can always trust on them," her voice started to become heavy.

"But then, I lost my parents, they were killed brutally. I, my childhood friend Sam, we rushed from cop to cop just so that they can help us with the case, help us with the murder of my parents, help us find the killers. But do you know? None of them stood with us, it's like they knew who killed our parents, and like they have been given money so that they do not take up the case. The trauma I went through, the helplessness I felt when I couldn't even provide justice to my parents, all of this was just because of corrupt police officers, then tell me, Aaron, how can I trust cops in these dire situations when they were the ones who didn't help me in my bad situation," Krysten spoke.

Her voice cracked up as she spoke. The pain she had to go through was clearly visible in her cracked up voice. Her eyes had filled up with tears as she cried. "I lost my parents, my everything all at once, but nobody was there to help me and stand by me," she started to tremble and cry bitterly as Aaron held her, trying to console her and calm her down.

"Do you trust me?" Aaron spoke after some time when Krysten wasn't crying anymore. She looked at him in surprise. "Answer me, Krysten. Do you trust me? As a human being and as a cop," he asked her.

As the question seeped into her, Krysten was torn into two sides. One side informed her that he was just a corrupt cop who just has feelings for her. She is the one who is going to kill that corrupt cop.

While the other side told her that there is no way that he can be a corrupt cop. The information she has is wrong. She is getting good and genuine vibes from him and if he were a corrupt cop, she would have got a single hint which would have made her sure about him.

She is torn in a fight between her mind and heart, where her heart is saying her to trust Aaron while her mind is saying that he is her target, he can not be trusted at any cost.

Krysten's POV

God! Why is this so difficult? Why am I standing confused between all this? Why can't I conclude that he is corrupt or not? Why all of a sudden, I am in so much confusion?

My training, my duty it's saying me that he is my target and I am deviating myself from my path. My mind is saying me to kill him and then, all of a sudden, I am having a heart. My heart, which is saying that this man isn't wrong. This man will protect me no matter what.

I know the time when I was stuck in the fire. I clearly remember that I had made up my mind that I won't survive. I won't come out of the fire alive, but then, I saw that man, Aaron. And I knew, I will live now, he will save me. Just one look and I knew that he won't let anything happen to me, I unknowingly trusted my entire life on him.

How can I trust a corrupt person with my life? How can a corrupt person jump into the fire, to save me, to save the kids? How is this possible at any cost?

POV Ends

Krysten was completely torn up in her thoughts, while Aaron looked at her with hope in his eyes. She wasn't able to answer him, because she had too many questions to answer herself. And that's when, something her mom spoke, struck in her head.

"Remember one thing, my girl, whenever you find yourself conflicted between your heart and mind, always listen to your heart. Your mind may give you thousands of logic to justify its point of view and you may think that it's right as well. But they say that the heart wants what it wants, all those calculations, logics will fall flat in front of your face if your heart is strong and pure enough. So my girl, always listen to your heart, ok?"

The voice of her mother, which echoed Krysten's mind, it paved the way to have all the answers Krysten wanted. She finally looked towards Aaron, this time with a smile.

"I trust you, Aaron. I trust you and that's all I know," she replied. Aaron couldn't resist his smile anymore at her words, he just hugged her tightly. It felt like a huge weight was lifted from his chest.

"I am a bastard, Krysten. I pay and fuck, I even sometimes bully people as well, but whenever I am in this uniform, I have never thought of corruption. I fulfil my duty honestly with all my heart," Aaron spoke as he kept on hugging her.

"Hmm," Krysten replied as she tightened her grip on the hug.

After few moments, they break the hug. Aaron looked at Krysten. Both of their eyes were wet and had turned a bit red to depict that they had cried. They looked at each other and nodded and in no time their lips brushed against each other. They kissed each other passionately and deeply and no this kiss didn't have any sort of lust and desire in it. This kiss had love, passion, feelings and all of it made the kiss the purest kiss ever in this world.

After one complete hour,

Krysten was laying on Aaron's chest while he played with her hairs. Her mind was conflicted at this moment as well, as she was thinking about few things. Aaron noticed this.

"What are you thinking?" He asked, in a soft, husky voice. "Nothing," she replied. "Tell me please," he insisted. "It's about my life. It's something that can make you hate me," she replied.

"What? Did you sleep with more than five hundred men?" He asked. She immediately looked at him in disgust. "Eww, no," she replied in a pissed off tone.

"Then?" He chuckled. "Let it be," she rolled her eyes.

"Baby listen," he held her chin and made her look at him, "there is nothing in this entire world that can make me hate you," he spoke in a weird yet comforting tone. She nodded as she closed her eyes, preparing herself to bring out the truth.

"You know, the whatever happened with my parents and not helping of police, it angered me to such an extent that it made me what I am today, it made me in this way and I will not say that I regret that. In fact, I am proud of whatever I am, I am proud of my job," Krysten spoke.

"What are you? What's your job?" Aaron asked her, finding himself completely confused by her words, unable to figure out whatever she wanted to say.

"I am an assassin, Aaron," she confessed, "I am the girl who has murdered those cops in cold blood in the past three months and you were my next target," she spoke in a single breath, while Aaron stood there, looking at her in disbelief, completely shocked by her words at the moment.

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